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[2024] N2Guard and HCGenerate Stacked and WHY?

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Welcome to another amazing episode of Evolutionary.org UG Supplements.  In episode #13, Steve and Mobster go over the 2024 N2guard and Hcgenerate stack and WHY.   This is a great episode to learn about how to run these supplements on and off cycle.   They first go over N2bm, which is the company that created the supplements, then explain what happens during your cycle journey.  They also discuss key ingredients with both products and how they work together to give you amazing results.

N2bm info

Steve starts this segment by telling a story about the founder of N2bm and his vision. The man was an ex-Army chef who learned all about putting things together and how to use teamwork to help everyone around them. This gave him the idea to put together a supplement line that would benefit the serious bodybuilder and those who use anabolic steroids.

The guys mention that, at the time, nobody was catering their products to bodybuilders.  Supplements were created through hype and pushed with silly marketing tactics that were misleading about their intentions.  Other supplements were designed for old people to help them function and get by, but lacked the strength to do anything for those like Steve and Mobster, who wanted to get much more out of their training and cycles.

N2bm was created over 15 years ago for this reason, and 2 of their first products were Hcgenerate and N2guard.  Hcgenerate was designed mostly for post-cycle therapy, but the guys explain during the podcast why it is also great on cycle too.  N2guard was designed mostly for on-cycle, but the guys will also explain why it's great in PCT too.  Both products together are amazing and well worth running that way.

Effects on and off cycle

Steve and Mobster next do a segment on what happens to your body on and off a steroid cycle and why it's important to use these 2 supplements.

They start by explaining that when you use anabolic steroids you get a lot of stress and strain on your body.  Inevitably, your kidneys, liver, heart, and even the brain will take a beating. As far as your reproductive system, your pituitary glands will shut down since they realize it's getting exogenous hormones.

Hcgenerate on cycle not only helps support your reproductive system while on cycle, but it also helps balance your cholesterol levels and also helps the cycle run more smoothly by binding to SHBG.  Yes, indeed, hcgenerate will make your cycle more powerful, allowing you to run less gear and get better results.  This makes it an amazing investment that pays for itself.

Off-cycle, all of the above takes place still, it's important to especially make sure you give your reproductive system all the support possible to help you recover.  Hcgenerate will not only speed up recovery but will keep you motivated to continue working out and eating right, and also boost libido when it needs it the most.

When it comes to N2guard, Steve says it's most obvious how good this supplement is on cycle when you run out of it.  He says this has happened to him before, where he ran out, and felt so much worse across the board.  Everything from sleep quality going down, to feeling less energy, to little things like stomach issues, to even heartburn will occur on a steroid cycle. N2guard helps with all of that and more.  It helps support your heart, liver, kidneys, brain function, and even your immune system.

Off-cycle, it does all this.  The vitamins and minerals it contains will allow your body to recover much faster and your testosterone levels will return to normal much quicker.   Your bloodwork will normalize quicker.


Top ingredients of both products

The guys talk first about N2guard, which has an incredible 44 ingredients which they do not have time to go over in this episode, but they do go over all of them on previous episodes.  They decide to focus on their favorite supplements in each product.

TUDCA Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid 250mg: This is a highly sought-after substance that has very serious benefits for the kidneys, heart, liver, and brain.  Steve says the original N2guard did not have this because it was too hard to source this supplement. However, the developers of N2guard insisted it be included because it is considered the #1 supplement on earth when it comes to organ benefits.

The many vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, and things like magnesium, zinc, and calcium are very important additions to the formula which make using a multivitamin obsolete.

Coenzyme Q10 10mcg: One of the most wonderful heart health supplements you can put in your body which Steve says is #1 recommended by doctors. It is a very important addition to the formula.

Policosanol 5mg: Helps with the heart with great synergy.

Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Piperine) 5mg: This not only burns fat, but it will help you absorb everything you are using.

Mobster mentions milk thistle extract which is one of his favorites for the liver along with Yerba Mate which he loves to make into a beverage.

Taurine is also excellent at controlling pumps.


Hcgenerate has several ingredients that work well on and off cycle.

3,4 Divanillytahydrofuran 500mg:  Binds to SHBG, which means you get a greater amount of free testosterone.

Vitamin E 30IU: Vitamin E is one of the best and necessary vitamins to produce good fertility and help the reproductive system perform correctly.

Zinc 7mg: Zinc is mandatory if you want to produce male hormones.  Without it, then you will never recover your testosterone levels.

Tongkat Ali Root Extract 100mg:  This is a Mobster's favorite ingredient because it helps your muscles, energy, and fertility.

Boron Citrate 100mg: This is a very important but underrated ingredient that helps with minerals and helps everything run smoothly.

Fadogia Agrestis 1000mg:  Mobster says they have been using this supplement for hundreds of years since its discovery to help with testosterone, sex drive, and erections. It also is great for boosting muscle and strength.  He likes to use a lot of it when he has sex at his old age.


Forums on our forums? read on:

just bought 3 bottles of n2guard and looking to get some final advice before I crack them open.
I’m not a steroid user yet, but I plan on using them in Read More.......

I’m going to be making an order to buy 5 bottles of n2guard obviously would like to know the best way to run this stuff Read More.........

I will be using 2 orals this time Proviron and anavar together Wondering how much n2guard Will be necessary here to prevent Read More......

I’m gonna be bridging with hcgenerate I did a 12-week cycle with a five-week PCT. I’m going to take around Read More.....

Wanted to get some opinions on comparisons between using a supplement like hcgenerate
vs. just a general run-of-the-mill testosterone booster that Read More........



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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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