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24 year old Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

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steroid cycles newStats: 24 years old, 5 foot 7 inches, 181 lbs., 15% bodyfat
Training History: 5.5 years
Cycle History: N/A - 1st cycle

Your stats are not great, and I wouldn't recommend a cycle in your case.  However, farbeit for me to judge you, if you are going to do a cycle I rather have you do it correctly.

First, you're overdoing the test, there is no need to combine testosterone enanthate with propionate, and your AI dosage is too low.  You'll need at least 25mgs of Aromasin ED if you're gynecomastia prone, you will also need to keep letrozole on hand in case of gyno breakout.

Here is your redone cycle and post cycle therapy (PCT):

Week Testosterone Enathate Aromasin Clomid Nolvadex HCGenerate N2Guard
1 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED 2 caps AM/2 post workout/3 PM
2 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
3 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
4 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
5 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
6 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
7 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
8 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
9 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
10 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
11 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED 3 caps AM/2 pre-workout “same”
12 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED 3 caps AM/2 pre-workout “same”
25mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 40mgs/ED “same” “same”
12.5mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED “same” “same”
7.5mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED “same”
25mgs/ED 10mgs/ED “same”
10mgs/ED “same”

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.


  1. Avatar photo

    Is there a reason to ending the HCGenerate so early? My guess is to level out as one tapers off, just curious. Thanks,

  2. Avatar photo

    The HCGenerate is like HCG and is used as a pre-PCT boost to get your boys back in shape. Think of it as a pre-PCT bridge that’s required between your cycle and PCT.

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