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25 year old with hormonal imbalance testosterone cycle

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steroid cycles leanStats: 25 years old, 6 foot 5 inches tall, 260lbs.
bodyfat: around 7%
Training history: 8 years
Cycle History: None

Since you were prescribed testosterone in your early teens, I would guess you have/had some hormonal imbalance, so we have to be careful when running cycles.  I would also suggest a prolonged PCT, just to make sure you recover properly.

Overall, you have a good clean cycle, Dbol+Test Enanthate is nice and smooth, especially with a good Aromatase Inhibitor like Aromasin.

Here is the layout for your cycle:

Week TestosteroneEnanthate Dbol Aromasin Clomid Nolvadex HCGenerate N2Guard
1 500mgs/week 40mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 2 caps AM/2 post workout/3 PM
2 500mgs/week 40mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 2 caps AM/2 post workout/3 PM
3 500mgs/week 40mgs/ED 25mgs/ED 2 caps AM/2 post workout/3 PM
4 500mgs/week 40mgs/ED 25mgs/ED “same”
5 500mgs/week 40mgs/ED 25mgs/ED “same”
6 500mgs/week 40mgs/ED 25mgs/ED “same”
7 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
8 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
9 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
10 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED “same”
11 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED 3 caps AM/2 pre-workout “same”
12 500mgs/week 25mgs/ED 3 caps AM/2 pre-workout “same”

Week 13 – OFF – followed by PCT

14 12.5mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 40mgs/ED 3 caps AM/2 pre-workout “same”
15 12.5mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 40mgs/ED 3 caps AM/2 pre-workout “same”
16 12.5mgs/EOD 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED “same”
17 25mgs/ED 20mgs/ED “same”
18 10mgs/ED

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.


  1. Avatar photo

    Hey Albert Wolfgang
    I`ve read your steroid profile cycle and I match the guy caracteristics: 6 feet 6 inches , 210 lbs , bodyfat at 13% and been training for like 2 years with no cycle history and I was wondering what “/ED” means.
    Thanks and waiting for your reponse

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      ED = every day
      /week = per week

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        Thank you for the answer, thought that might mean every day but had to ask to be sure
        Also would like to ask you if you recommend me the cycle to get clean gains?!

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