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Welcome to another episode of Hardcore 2.0! In this 38th episode, Steve and Mobster go over their 3 best injectable options from Euro Pharmacies. For those who prefer to use injectable steroids to bulk up, while taking a break from orals, this is the episode for you. The guys will tell you all about one of their favorite brands Euro Pharmacies (EP), discuss what they would define as bulking, go over 3 injectable steroids individually and stacked, and then end the show with some diet and training advice you won't hear anywhere else!
Euro Pharmacies information
Steve makes the point that most steroids out there are made by some drug addict in the middle of nowhere in their bathtub. These products have no vetting process and there is no telling what is actually in them. Many forum members have reported finding things like hair and dirt in their injectable steroids. Even things like glass has been found which can be dangerous to inject!
Euro Pharmacies is one of the most popular brands in the world and for good reason. The guys say that their products have been tested and vetted numerous times which has proven them to be of the highest quality. Their products are made by actual professionals who are educated in medicine and chemistry in actual labs with the utmost care to detail. When you use the EP brand you know you are getting the real stuff.
EP is also an innovator and has recently come up with 15ML vials which saves you space and money. Podcast #375–Low Testosterone after cycle, Trenbolone bulking, Best Oral kick #evolutionaryorg #testosterone #trenbolone #bulking #oralkick
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) March 3, 2021
The art of bulking
The guys debate what they view bulking as.
Steve says to him bulking is simple; getting bigger muscles and being stronger. You want to look like you lift even when you have a sweater or loose shirt on. You want to have big trunk legs that make you look special.
Mobster says he likes to bulk up because he loves to eat and loves to build large muscle and strength. To him, he is not worried about showing off his abs and finds people who are always worried about cutting annoying. For these reasons, he loves bulking up and not worrying about people seeing him with no shirt on.
Best Euro Pharmacies Injectable bulking steroids
First up is Mobster and he likes these 3 injectable steroids for bulking: Injectable EP Anadrol A50, EP Sustanon, and EP Deca.
First off, not many brands out there even sell injectable Anadrol, since it is mostly sold in tablet/oral form. But EP is not your average brand, they sell it in a 10ML vial and each ML is 50mgs. Anadrol is a great bulker and has been shown to put on amazing size in a very short time frame (4-5 weeks).
The next steroid in his stack is EP Sustanon and there are 2 versions they sell. The first is the typical 250mgs/ml version that is most common. However, they also have a 500mgs/ml version which contains:
Testosterone Propionate 60mg
Testosterone Phenyl-Propionate 120mg
Testosterone Isocaproate 120mg
Testosterone Decanoat 200mg
This version of Sustanon is great for those who hate injecting because you can pin just 1 CC and get a full 500mgs worth to help you bulk!
EP Deca comes in 250mg/ml form. Usually, Deca will be only 200mgs/ml, so once again EP makes it easy on their customers.
Deca and Sustanon together are an outstanding stack for bulking because they both are so good when it comes to appetite increase.
Steve takes a bit of a different approach in his 3 steroid injectable stack. He likes a stack of EP Deca, EP Tren, and EP Equipoise.
EP has a couple of great Tren options: EP Tren Ace 100mgs/ml and EP Tren E 200mgs/ml. Either one will work fine here. You can also switch your EP Deca to EP NPP instead, if you want a shorter ester, however, the NPP is only 100mg/ml.
EP Equipoise is called Boldenone Undecylenate and comes in 250mgs/ml.
Steve says this stack is fantastic for dry bulking, since none of the compounds aromatize very much in this stack. He also says that Tren is very underrated for bulking and reminds people it is used to add size to cattle before weigh-ins.
Mobster finishes up this segment by going over the different EP blend options they have, including Test blends and Tren blends, which are all great for bulking. Podcast #370-Deca, Anadrol and Dianabol for bulking #evolutionaryorg #deca #anadrol #dianabol
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) January 22, 2021
Training and diet tips for bulking
*Organic foods: Eating organic foods is going to be your best bet if you want high quality and the most nutrition. Steve makes the point that even with things like bananas which have thick skin, the pesticides and other chemicals, will still be sucked up by the roots of the plant and also absorbed through the skin. It is always best to buy organic.
*Locally sourced meat and eggs: Stick to local as much as possible because not only are you supporting your community and neighbors, but you are also gonna consume healthier foods that way. Eggs that are fresh from the farm are gonna be way better and tastier than the corporate eggs found, shipped in from some farm thousands of miles away, laid by diseased and abused chickens. The same goes for meats and other protein options.
*High protein: Mobster says high protein meals are great for bulking. He likes to increase his protein during his bulk.
*Carbs are not your enemy: Steve says that using carbs to your advantage is a smart decision when bulking, especially if you use Trenbolone, since it is such a great nutrient partitioner. The key with carbs though is choosing the right ones. Fruits, vegetables (especially sweet potatoes), brown rice, and raw oatmeal are great options. He also says if you can tolerate peas and beans they are amazing, but some of you will likely require a digestive enzyme or be better off avoiding them.
*Train to be big: Mobster makes the point that training hard is very important to push your body to get bigger and stronger. He likes the large compound lifts and says they are the key to his success, but make sure you use proper form!
Forums on our forums? read on:
Keen to hear what your favourite bulking cycles looks like Read More.........
new here but isthere any bulking cycles where you can do oral only? I’ve seen mixed things about some people say you can run tbol or dbol only then I see some Read More..........
Hey guys I would like to hear your opinion on what you found was the best cycle for bulking…. I have only done test e and sus 250, I got stronger and better Read More.........
I’m 23 years old nad want to bulk up more currently 75 Kg and 5 ft 10 in I've already done three Cycles Read More...........
I’m 215 lb and 5 ft 10 in I do not want any more body fat on my frame I’m currently at 15% Read More........