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Aromasin (Exemestane)

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Aromasin is the trade name for Exemestane, a drug used to treat breast cancer in women. Similarly to arimidex, it is member of the aromatase inhibitor class of drugs. The original manufacturer was Pharmacia & Upjohn, but today Pfizer is the most well known drug company that distributes the drug. The drug was FDA approved in 1999 and has become very popular across the globe in post menopausal women.


Aromasin is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor (AI), meaning it permanently disables the aromatase enzyme once it binds to it. In plain English, Aromasin will prevent the currently bound enzymes from rebounding, which is what separates this drug from letrozole or arimidex. When you use other AI's, they temporarily stop estrogen from aromatizing, but when you stop taking them those same enzymes can rebound causing what is known as 'estrogen rebound'. This explains why some anabolic steroid users experience gynecomastia (bitch tits) after cycle when using other AI's. Studies on breast cancer patients have shown aromasin reduced estrogen levels up to 85%.

Use in bodybuilding

Certain anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) convert to estrogen in the body; all testosterone esters, nandrolones, dianabol, and boldenone are examples. If not controlled, the user runs the risk of developing several types of estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia (bitch tits), water retention, blood pressure and heart problems. There is a domino effect that can occur if estrogen gets out of control.  Just imagine carrying around two gallons of water all day!

The user may notice feeling rundown and tired, blood pressure will soar, and motivation will decrease. These side effects will defeat the purpose of running steroids in the first place. In addition, high estrogen levels, when coming off a cycle, will interfere with recovery of the bodies natural testosterone levels.

On the other hand, if you run a harsh AI, which eliminates too much estrogen, it can also have negative effects on libido, mood, and dry out the joints. Since aromasin is a suicide aromatase inhibitor, you should work on controlling the dosage and tailoring it to your cycle. Don't just use random dosages without looking at your whole steroid cycle.

Aromasin vs. Arimidex

As illustrated above, the main advantage is aromasin will prevent any estrogen rebound by permanently disabling the aromatase enzyme, while arimidex cannot. Though, arimidex is easier to control in terms of short term dosing; meaning, with short cycles under 8 weeks there is no need to kill your whole estrogen production.

Aromasin vs. Letrozole

Letrozole (letro) is known to be too strong and too harsh. When using higher dosages of letro, many bodybuilders complain of reduced libido and slight depression. This is due to the aromatase in the brain being disabled by letrozole use. It is crucial to control estrogen during cycle, but you should never cripple it or you can face unwanted sides. Even though estrogen is a female hormone, men still need it to function. As with arimidex, letro also cannot boast being a suicidal AI.

Side Effects

In bodybuilding and steroid use, side effects with aromasin are rare when taken at an appropriate dosage. Some guys will complain of joint pain from dryness, so when that occurs the dosage should be brought down. Sides among females are much more common because, even though the dosages are similar, the female body will react differently to an AI than a male will. In addition, females will take this drug for a longer period of time when compared to a steroid user. Bottom line is the side effects of not taking an AI for a male on cycle is much more of a risk.


This is dependent on the individual and, also, the amount of aromatizing compounds the person is running. Generally, a good starting dose is 12.5mg ED (every day) or 25mg EOD (every other day). The user must utilize blood work to see how their body is reacting at the starting dosage they choose and then adjust as needed. Experienced anabolic steroid users will usually find a dose they like and stick to it with no problems. As I said already, if you start noticing joint issues then the dose should be lowered; on the other hand, if you start noticing any estrogen related sides, such as puffy or sensitive breasts or water retention, it's time to increase the dosage.


According to literature, the half life is 25-27 hours, which means you can easily get away with taking this drug every other day or once a day.

Where to buy aromasin?

Although a prescription in the United States is needed for aromasin, the good news is ag-guys.com has the product in liquid form for research use and it is legal, quality and very affordable.



pfizer aromasin

aromasin tablets

exemestane bottle

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aromasin exemestane


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Written by
Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated


  1. Avatar photo

    Can Clomid, Armoasin, and Mesterolone be ran togather as a PCT?

    • Avatar photo

      You can run aromasin with clomid and proviron but why? Proviron is somewhat suppressive and isn’t a great idea for PCT. Wouldn’t suggest it during PCT but rather during cycle.

  2. Avatar photo

    Cancel that I just watched the proviron video, thks.

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