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Barry Bonds, full name Barry Lamar Bonds – age 50, is a retired Major League Baseball (MLB) player with an amazing 22 seasons under his belt. He held a bunch of MVP awards, notably 7 NL MVP awards and 14 all-star awards. The most notable team he played for were the San Francisco Giants, where he was known as the best hitter on the team.
Currently, Barry Bonds holds the record for most career home runs in 1 season at 73 (during 2001 season), and he has the most walks in a career. Also, he snagged 8 Gold Gloves trophies for his amazing outfield defenses. He's only second to Babe Ruth in terms of wins above replacement.

Fig 1. Barry Bonds before alleged use of steroids (right) and after steroids (left)
Steroid Use
The cut and dry information about Barry Bonds will not make you forget that he was busted for using steroids. He's probably the most famous steroid user in the world, obviously after Ben Johnson and Arnold Schwarzenegger. In fact, in the eyes of the general public, he's the poster boy of athletes and steroids gone wrong.
Around the end of 2003, Barry Bonds testified in front of a grand jury claiming he thought he was using supplements and some arthritis creams. Though, this testimony makes you wonder how stupid he thought the jury was? THG (Tetrahydrogestrinone) would clearly give you an amazing boost, just like oral trenbolone. THG is something you can feel working, so his story about it being flax-seed and some nutritional supplements is unlikely. Though, “the cream” story is hard to verify because he claimed he thought it was arthritis cream. However, this testimony did not really hurt Barry Bonds that much, what really did him in was the book “Game of Shadows.” This book claimed Barry Bonds used stanozolol (winstrol) and a ton of other steroids. It even said HGH use was rampant. This one book changed the way people judged Mr. Bonds and steroids. It was almost like overnight guys started hating steroids because they hated that Barry Bonds took them.
So, whether you like Barry Bonds or you hate him, you have to be wondering what steroids he actually used? Well, obviously certain steroids, like deca durabolin or sustanon, are poor choices if you're speculating because they are long esters that he'd never take. The steroids we do know Barry Bonds is accused of using are: Winstrol (stanozolol), Oral Trenbolone (The clear), and topical testosterone (the cream). Though, his cycle needs to become a bit more modern with the addition of a few compounds he might have used, and some guesses have to be made. Obviously, drugs for an endurance boost are a must because he used an oral trenbolone, which isn't great for cardio. Therefore, we'll be recreating his cycle with steroids that are easier for us to relate to.
Barry Bonds Steroid Cycle *
Week | Winstrol | Trenbolone
Acetate |
Cypionate |
Cardarine (GW) | N2Guard |
1 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
2 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
3 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
4 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
5 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
6 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
7 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
8 | 50mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 250mgs/week | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
Why were these drugs used during the Barry Bonds Steroid cycle?
Winstrol – stanozolol is the historical drug for athletes. It gives great muscle hardening, strength and is easy to take. The poster boy for steroid use Ben Johnson was caught using winstrol.
Trenbolone Acetate – the version of trenbolone he was using was oral trenbolone. Since trenbolone is 5 times stronger than testosterone, it's an amazing steroid for results. Meaning? You'll get strong, fast, big and aggressive, which is what any athlete wants.
Testosterone Cypionate – although Barry Bonds was accused of using “the cream,” which is topical testosterone, it has the same effect as injectable testosterone. This means it will make you a better man, all male features, including muscles and speed, will increase.
Cardarine (GW-501516) – this PPAR modulator is great for combating the side effects of trenbolone and it boosts endurance/cardio to amazing levels.
N2Guard – this product is used during steroid cycles to help keep the liver and kidney safe and healthy.

Fig 2. Barry Bonds before/after comparison
*DISCLAIMER: The cycle above is our opinion on what steroids Barry Bonds could have used during a potential cycle, this article is for information and entertainment purposes only. In 2011, Barry Bonds was convicted of obstruction of justice for lying under oath about his steroid use.