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Best bodyfat to use Masteron, why? Euro Pharma

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Welcome to Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #75 - Best bodyfat to use Masteron, why? Euro Pharma.  In this episode, Steve and Mobster go over Masteron's facts and history, talk about what Masteron is used for in bodybuilding, what Euro Pharmacies options they have available, debate the body fat recommendations to use Masteron, and how to use Masteron for the best benefits.

Masteron facts and history

Steve starts by talking about how Masteron was developed in 1959 by Syntex Pharmaceuticals, which also came up with Anandrol.  It was first sold under the brand name Masteril and Drostanolonum.  Drolban was another name that was licensed to Eli Lilly and it was used to help with breast cancer. Steve says today they have come up with more efficient ways to treat breast cancer using anti-estrogen drugs like Nolvadex, which have far lower side effects for females.

Mobster gets into the anabolic/androgenic ratio of Masteron. On paper, it is listed as [60:25] which makes it a bit less anabolic but way less androgenic than Testosterone.  The guys agree that used on its own, these ratios are pretty accurate, but when you start stacking it Masteron is one of the best beneficial steroids out there that are depended on by bodybuilders.

Steve says that Masteron is a DHT Dihydrotestosterone derivative class of steroid. This is important to understand because DHT is synthesized in the adrenal glands, testes, hair follicles, and testes.  Around 5% of Testosterone produced in the body converts to DHT, but Steve explains when you use Testosterone or a testosterone derivative at a higher amount you get more DHT conversion.  With Masteron, it cuts to the chase being a DHT derivative itself.  One of the benefits is that it binds to SHBG as Steve mentions.  By binding to SHBG, you create an environment where free testosterone rises and you can better take advantage of the other steroids in your stack.  The bottom line is when you stack Masteron, it makes the entire stack work way better, which is why you see pro bodybuilders using it in their large stacks.


Is body fat an important factor using Masteron?

This is an important topic that Steve and Mobster debate.

There is the common perception that you should only use Masteron at lower body fat, since otherwise, you won't get the benefits of hardening. After all, what is the point of using something that hardens muscles if your muscles are covered up by fat?  Mobster says it's a question of visibility and if your body fat is too high you won't see the visual cuts of the muscle.

Steve says that Masteron is 95% of the time strictly a cosmetic drug. He says when he had used it before he went and got a massage and the lady said he had the hardest muscles she has ever massaged.  In 5% of situations, you could be a bigger guy and use Masteron for its DHT properties which makes the other steroids work better.  So even a bigger 250-pound powerlifter can benefit from using Masteron and it can make them stronger and build more mass IF it's properly stacked.

Steve and Mobster say if you want the lower SHBG and raising DHT benefits, you might be better off using Euro pharmacies Proviron.  Proviron can be cheaper and it's in oral form so some people will find that easier, but Steve says some people rather just inject 1-3x per week and be done with it instead of trying to remember to take an oral every day.


Euro Pharmacies Masteron options

Steve and Mobster agree that a good dose of Masteron would be 250-400mgs a week.  Pro Bodybuilders will run more in a lot of cases and can push the dose easily past 1000mgs.


Euro Pharmacies options and how to stack

Steve says that Euro Pharmacies refers to the brand name Masteron as Drostanolone so when you shop for them be aware of that.

Euro Pharmacies came out with 15ml options about a year ago and they have you covered with both esters.

EP Drostanolone E @ 150mg/ml, Drostanolone P @ 75mg/ml

They also have 10ml options:

EP Drostanolone E @ 200mg/ml, Drostanolone P @ 100mg/ml


Euro Pharmacies has Masteron Blends

EP Cutting Mix 300

Tren A 100mg/ml, Drostanolone P @ 100mg/ml, Test P @ 100mg/ml

Steve says depending on how much you use, you might want to at least get Euro Pharmacies Aromasin or Adex on hand in case estrogen gets out of hand.  Remember, Masteron does help with estrogen, but if you run too much Testosterone it might not be enough.


EP Rapid Cut 350 (aka Rapid Cut Pro 350)

Tren A 75mg/ml, Drostanolone P @ 75mg/ml, Test P @ 75mg/ml, Test C @ 125mg/ml

Steve says this is a great option for those who feel good using Testosterone at a higher dose and want to use it at a higher amount than Tren and Masteron.


Steve says Euro Pharmacies has excellent products and Steve says another good stack if you want lean muscle mass, low sides, and recomping effects you can do Equipoise 300mgs, Masteron 250mgs and you could stack some Testosterone 100mgs.

Mobster likes the idea of using Masteron with Nandrolones. He says 300mgs of Deca or NPP stacks well with Masteron and helps with the side effects of Nandrolone. That would be a good lean bulking stack.


Why Euro Pharmacies

Mobster says Euro pharmacies are his go-to supplier and he says 90% of his cycles over the past 6 years have been through them.  He hasn't had any bad cycles with them and any small issues he has had with them they fixed right away.  He trusts their products because they are innovators and pushing the envelope, they also test their products, and their products have been independently tested.

Steve says it's important for him to trust what he puts into his body because when he first used steroids he got fakes. It is not right to bust your butt in the gym and spend all this money on food and supplements only to find out halfway through your cycle that your gear is fake or not what the label says.  You don't have to worry about that with Euro Pharmacies.


Where to buy?

Euro Pharmacies can be purchased from Puritysourcelabs.ru.

Puritysourcelabs.ru is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more.  When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Euro Pharmacies brand and not fakes.

Puritysourcelabs.ru provides lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes.  They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast.  They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.

They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have.  If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.


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Written by
Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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