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Best bulking steroids of all time presented by Ultima

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Welcome Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #131- Best bulking steroids of all time presented by Ultima. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss why people bulk, what sort of nutrition and training they need, what Ultima bulking steroids/cycles are, and why Ultima is so popular.

Why do people bulk?

There are different ways to approach this and Mobster gets into the deep topic.  Sometimes when people bulk up they get upset that they lose some definition.  He believes much of this is psychological when it comes to simply wanting to bulk up and get bigger. He estimates that 80% of people who first enter the steroid life are using them to get more body mass and get stronger, they are extremely good at that.  Nobody does this to stay the same, they use steroids to get that amazing mass that they couldn't get naturally.

Mobster says he knows many people who have started at 130-150 pounds and are now over 300 pounds by simply eating, lifting, and using steroids and taking full advantage of them.

Steve says that steroids aren't fat burners but they do a damn good job of bulking you up.  There are various reasons why people want to bulk up.  Bullying has been talked about a lot among bodybuilders where bigger dudes used to bully them when they were younger, this gives them the motivation to want to get big and strong, where nobody would dare mess with them.  Another reason might be due to being short, you have no other option than to use steroids to get wider and bigger.  The same goes for people who are tall and slim who have always been hard gainers who have a tough time with appetite.

Nutrition needed to bulk up.

Mobster says piss poor nutrition is a big problem and will get in your way when it comes to optimizing your nutrition as much as you can.  He argues that it isn't complicated, he says you must eat more food and it can't be cake and other junk food. If you want to gain good quality muscular tissue then you need to be eating the clean organic proteins and carbs that are healthy.  Mobster also says that eating more of what you are already eating would work well, for example, if you eat chicken and rice as a meal, then add 50% portions per meal and that will go a long way.

Steve says when it comes to nutrition the #1 thing you can do is food prep.  If you come on the forums you will see people who are logging in who are food prepping all the time.  Steve says he food preps twice a week.  He says you need to invest in an indoor/outdoor grill, air fryer, slow cooker, and rice cooker. With those devices, you can easily food prep all kinds of healthy food fresh.  After you cook all the food up you should store them properly in the fridge so it stays fresh and then when you are ready to eat simply heat them.   Avoid restaurant food, fast food, take-out food, etc. as all these foods contain harmful oil and junk that will set you back and contribute to major heart problems.

Mobster says that there was a time when there weren't apps or even restaurants where you could simply call up and have food delivered.  Too many people are lazy, and don't want to make their own food, so they literally are slowly killing themselves and getting in the way of their fitness goals by eating junk food.


Training strategies for bulking

Steve says you need to combine steroids, nutrition, sleep, mental focus, AND training to get good-quality muscle bulk going.  He says when he first started using steroids he focused on all of these things and was able to grow 20-25 pounds in a year.

It is also important to remember you have to force growth and strength to go up.  Sticking to the 4-6 rep range and pushing yourself will get results in 95% of situations.  However, if you go in there like a gorilla and throw around heavy weights doing 1-2 rep ranges, you will just set yourself back because you will end up injured, which ruins everything for you.

Mobster likes the rep range of 4-8 rep range, and doing 15-20 sets total.  He says there is no reason to do 6 different exercises each session for your chest, for example.  He likes sticking to the compound lifts which should be your bread and butter.  For example, you cannot go into the gym with 20-pound dumbells and do curls and think you will grow your arms.  The true way to build the arms is weighted pullups which force growth in the arms and back.

He finishes this with discussing legs, they are important as building a strong trunk and roots will result in a flourishing of branches and leaves.


Best Ultima bulking steroids/cycles

There are several really good bulking steroids and cycles from Ultima, and the guys go over each steroid and explain how to use them.

Dianabol Using anywhere from 10-50mgs a day works great but watch out for estrogen issues.

Deca: This one is great for appetite increase due to its mild nature and you should aim for 300-400mgs a week.

Testosterone/Sustanon: You won't go wrong with 100-500mgs a week of Test and it will help with strength, mass, and appetite.

Anadrol:  Great oral steroid, works 25-50mgs a day for bigtime bulking and fast.

Trenbolone:  This one can bulk you up fast and get you super strong quickly.  A dose of 200-400mgs a week is all you need.

Equipoise:  This is a versatile steroid and works great for building lean to moderate mass and you can use anywhere from 250-500mgs a week.


Why Ultima is so popular

Ultima is the #1 place for steroids and more with an amazing value. They are constantly running sales and promos where you can buy in bulk and have a lot of success.

Where to buy?

Ultima can be purchased from Osgear.se.

Osgear.se is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more.  When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Ultima brand and not fakes.

They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes.  They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast.  They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.

They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have.  If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.


Forums on our forums? read on:

I’m doing some research on the best steroids that I can use for moderate bulking. Seems like doing moderate testosterone and equipoise will be a good option so that’s why Read More....... 

I’m looking for some advice when it comes to the difference between using sarms for skinny guys that want to lean up versus using sarms for bulking Read More.........

I want to gain lean bulk with sarms. Don’t want that big Meathead bodybuilder look I would like to bulk but I would like to also look athletic if that makes sense. My plan is Read More.........

I’m looking to bulk up nicely on my next steroid cycle what supplements with pair good with a bulking stack? Read More........

I’m looking to bulk up on my next push with higher volume and use a supplement to give me a little bit of an edge my next goal is to put on about 10 or 15 lbs I’m Read More........




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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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