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Best Evolutionary.org Forums Logs Presented by Pharmaqo

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Welcome Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #121- Best Evolutionary.org Forums Logs Presented by Pharmaqo. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss 6 highly viewed logs and go over what each member's goals are and what they have accomplished so far.



Steve's log started as more of an educational thread, posting studies and charts on fasting and its effects on the body. Over time, it became popular, and other moderators suggested he change the thread to a fasting log. Steve has done a lot of fasting and has been able to show people what happens when you fast so they can join in. 

Mobster asks Steve some questions about his log and mentions the cool recipes and dishes Steve has posted.







Goal: recomp & weigh 200lbs by the end of this 12-week cycle, just in time for Thanksgiving

TRT 180mg of 200cyp

1cc Test Cyp 250

1cc Deca Durabolin 300

25mg Anavar twice daily

Steve talks about his character and the things he has done so far which he respects including being a good family man and taking in and fostering a teenager.

He then talks about his health changes and how impressive it is.  Dominion has done a great job of changing his health first and foremost and recently posted his markers which came in clean which is impressive and very rare for someone his age living in the American midwest.

Mobster talks about how things are as you get older and how things change. He then brings up that mentors and role models are important and how they can change your life.




Currently 5’11, 110 kg, and 31 years old

Test e 300 mg per week

Eq 600 mg per week

Primo 600 mg per week

Had surgery for a torn pec and back surgery. Back surgery was a year ago and pec surgery was 4 months ago.

Steve says he likes how he keeps his workouts simple. He doesn't go to the gym and do 15 different exercises and act lost, he has a strategy and he sticks to it. A leg workout example he talks about is:

4 sets front squats 100 kilos 8 reps

4 sets hack squat machine 270 kilos 12-15 reps

Bulgarian split squat 30 kg 3 sets 8 reps

Leg extension machine 100 kg 15 reps 4 sets

Seated calf raises 4 set 75 kilos 10 reps

Mobster says he isn't a big fan of the amount of gear he is using, thinks it is a little too much, but he says it works for him which is fine.  He then talks about the injury issues that are something that affects people psychologically where they want to come back from it.  Getting these types of severe injuries at 30 years old, you will have the attitude that you will come back and nothing will stop you.




41 years old, got up to 143kg fat.  He had enough and decided to change things as he says he wasn't able to even wipe his ass anymore.  He also was dealing with a lot of gut issues that he had to navigate around.  His strategy was to switch to 1 meal a day OMAD and this went a long way to both helping his gut health and also helping him lose weight/fat.  He also has done a great job of food prepping which he posts pictures of.

Here is a workout he put together and they are simple and strong volume:

10 mins cardio

5 sets of machine chest press

5 sets of machine shoulder press

5 sets of flys

5 sets of laterals

5 sets of incline Smith machine press

5 sets of triceps rope things to fail each set

5 sets of seated dip machine.

20 mins cardio

Mobster says he has dropped 20kg minimum and he has done a great job of recomping but he still has room to improve from here. He says he has buddies who have had issues with this type of gut issues and were bleeding out of their anus and had to be rushed to the hospital. He has heard stories of people needing to go to the bathroom 40x a day or having a strangulated hernia.  Steve adds a few tips for people who have these gut conditions.




His starting weight was 88-89 kg following a 4-week cut to get me ready for my growth phase.

The cycle stack is fairly moderate and dosages change based on what my coach has in store.

Test sustanon at 300 primo at 500 deca at 100 growth hormone at 4iu (2iu morning 2iu night) and 200mg of L-carnitine injected IM.

Supps include vitamins as well as drugs metformin and telmisartin.

His current food macros are Protein 230 Carbs 323 and Fats 46.

His current training split is Monday Legs, Tuesday Pull, Wednesday Push, Thursday rest, Friday Posterior chain, Saturday Chest delts and arms, and Sunday rest.

Steve says he likes his training and diet and he stays consistent during his log. Mobster says him working with a coach shows how serious he is.




Pigsy is a successful competitive bodybuilder and his cycle included HGH, Test e 250mg, Primo 200mg, Npp 100mg, and Tren ace 100mg.  He is well-loved in the Aussie community and inspires everyone on the forum.

Rcently, he earned 2nd place in the Mr Universe. His body weight on stage was 105.8kg/233lbs and he says he will go back to cruising on 250mgs Testosterone and 200mgs Masteron.

Mobster talks about his family farming in Australia on a grape vineyard. Farming is one of the most labor-intensive jobs and he is able to juggle doing that with his gym grind.


Why Pharmaqo is on point

Pharmaqo has been an important brand with many of the logs above and dozens of logs on the forums.  They have everything you need on cycle and off cycle, from injectables to orals to ancillaries.  They are tested and trusted.


Where to buy?

Pharmaqo can be purchased from Domestic-supply.com.

Domestic-supply.com is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more.  When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Pharmaqo brand and not fakes.

They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes.  They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast.  They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.

They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have.  If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.


Forums on our forums? read on:

Hello, this is rodannis789 here. My other log is event specific, like a 16 week cut. This is going to do all of my training, diet, cycle, etc. my other log is going to be more in Read More..........

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Alright legends! Im looking at starting my first log hopefully beginning monday if my gear arrives. Just wondering how i start the log? Like which section of evo do Read More........

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This thread will detail my current point in my offseason cycle and how things will look later on as I update  starting on 11/26/2024 , I will most likely end this log Read More..........





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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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