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Welcome to Evolutionary Underground podcast #38. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss Best orals for Powerlifting with Geneza Pharma. The podcast starts with Mobster sharing his secrets to powerlifting, positives/negatives of using oral steroids, solo steroids to look at, stacking orals, and which geneza pharma (GP) steroids work the best.
Powerlifting secrets
Steve talks about his background in powerlifting and how he peaked strength in his mid 30’s but recently hit a 5 year personal record in bench press.
Mobster is a top champion powerlifter and grip champion and lays out some tips for powerlifting.
One of his secrets is a 16-week strength program. The key is building up your strength for 8 weeks without using any anabolic steroids and staying your comfort zone, then you can start bringing in your oral steroids to build up your strength. The last 4 weeks are where you start hammering your body where it becomes brutal and gets hard, this is where PED support with oral steroids helps push you to new personal records.
He says that there aren't that many people who can bench even 2 plates properly and 3 plates is even more rare, and very few you will ever run into that can do 4 plates. For Mobster being almost 60 years old he says he never imagined he would be doing 800-pound hack squats. His tip is to be hungry and set goals.
Steve talks about how he used to break things from being so strong. He got so strong thanks to training and oral steroids, that he used to break jars when opening them and randomly break things by accident. He also says you must train at a powerlifting gym or set up a home gym to get the most out of your workouts. 477 Oral steroids and Aromasin use for the bodybuilder on steroids. #evolutionaryorg #bodybuilder #steroids
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) May 9, 2022
Negatives of using Orals
Steve talks about how oral steroids hit your liver and gives tips. Most of the oral steroids they will discuss are 17AA, so they do strain the liver. Steve says this is okay as long as you run the steroids for 4-8 weeks and make sure you come off to allow your liver and body to come back.
Estrogen is also something to be aware of as some orals will cause aromatization. This can lead to side effects like gyno, bloat, water retention, and a domino effect of side effects. So it is important to keep your geneza pharma ancillaries on hand in case.
Solo Oral options from Geneza
Steve starts with Geneza Pharma M1T which is methyl-1-testosterone, and is the methylated version of 1-testosterone. It is a very strong oral steroid and optimal for those who want to use something 2-4 weeks solo just to see what they are capable of. A dose of 5-20mgs a day is a starting dose with some going 30mgs or a bit more.
Mobster then talks about the most popular oral steroid of all time and that is Geneza Pharma Dianabol (dbol). It is his 2nd favorite steroid for strength and he loves it. He has never needed to run more than 30-50mgs a day. It not only increases strength directly, but it also helps add mass to make you even stronger and fire out those muscles in a strength situation.
He also adds it doesn't make you feel toxic. He says that on Dbol that he feels on it and it improves his mood. Steve says there is a reason that there are weight classes in powerlifting, and dbol helps you gain mass so you can get stronger.
Mobster loves Geneza Pharma Anavar which is his #1 oral steroid of all time. Their misconception is Anavar isn't good for strength, which is wrong. Mobster gets great results on Anavar and loves using it at 50mgs a day for 6-8 weeks. However, he says you can run as low as 20mgs and still get good results. Steve also loves Anavar and says he has set PRs on it when he has stacked it.
One of the downsides of Anavar is the pumps, but a big upside is you won't get water retention on Anavar.
Steve gives his opinion on Geneza Pharma Oxy Anadrol. He finds it a unique steroid because it is a DHT derivative so it cannot aromatize into estrogen, but the weird thing is that it still binds to estrogen receptors. He says that some guys have had success using Nolvadex with it to help with sides. Anadrol is usually run 50mgs for 4-6 weeks and is great for mass and strength.
The last powerlifting option is GP Superdrol which is a very toxic steroid. Mobster says a lot of people got to use it because it was sold as a designer steroid/pro hormone over the counter, so they experienced the side effects and benefits. Steve says it made him feel like crap but it was very damn good. 10-40mgs a day for 4 weeks or less is what you want to run it at.
The last one is Geneza Pharma Tbol which is a very mild option, even more mild than Anavar. If you want something with low sides, you can use it for athletic power, a dose of 20-60mgs per day for up to 8 weeks works great.
Why Geneza Pharma is trusted
Steve says to ask any great sales Entrepreneur and they will tell you the key to sales is to believe in what you are selling and also have a great product. Geneza Pharma has repeat customers because their products are excellent. He says you aren't buying a birthday cake here, these are serious hormones that can cause problems if you run a bad-quality product. Geneza Pharma has been trusted by Mobster and Steve for more than 12 years cause they have excellent products, shipping, and service.
When you buy GP products, you know you are getting what you ordered. That is the #1 thing to worry about because most steroids out there are fake or poor quality. Hardcore 43 - Anavar (Oxandrolone) injecting it or oral profile discussed. #evolutionaryorg #Anavar #Oxandrolone
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) July 11, 2023
Where to buy?
Geneza Pharma can be purchased from is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more. When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Geneza Pharma brand and not fakes.
They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes. They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast. They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.
They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have. If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.
Forums on our forums? read on:
Hey guys….right now, and long time ago, I been taking winstrol injection. Recently I bought the oral version and want to alternate….one week injections, second Read More.........
I’m wondering on peoples opinions on oral trt dosages of Test Undecanoate and its efficacy. I’d like to pair the oral with 20mg Anavar every so often Read More........
I’m about to start an oral only cycle and I’m using two of them at the same time interested in trying some supplements with them to give me the best benefits Read More........
equipoise is one of my favorite steroids of all time and I decided to try some from geneza pharma. Using GP products has been amazing. I’m doing 400mgs a week of the Read More........
I’m 8 weeks into my summer shredder and already seeing excellent results thanks to geneza pharma.
Doing tren ace, mast prop and tbol Read More..........