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"The Voice of Bodybuilding" Bob Cicherillo, also nicknamed Bobchick, is a well-known professional bodybuilder who has been on tv shows, radio shows, movies, podcasts, and ESPN Sportscenter. Today, he is still very active in the bodybuilding community off stage. This video shows you an example of what he does today, interviewing the top Mr. Olympia guys, including Phil Heath and Jay Cutler
You may know him as "Titan" in the original sports game show "American Gladiators", which was a classic American show, that put normal people against huge gladiators in competitions to see who could beat them for prizes.
His peak competition stats were 6ft and 255 pounds and 280 pounds offseason. He had a 58" chest, 22.5" arms, 31" thighs, and 31" waist. Here he is in the early 2000s posing
He was born in 1965 in Upstate New York. He now spends time in Georgia.
Non-competition career highlights
Bob hosted a popular bodybuilding show called Pro Bodybuilding Weekly with Dan Soloman. He was also heavily involved with and BSN. He has been featured in fitness magazines including Flex, which is a highlight for anyone. He once was on the popular sitcom "Malcolm in the Middle", he worked with Stuart Scott on ESPN, music videos, and he was in the comedy movie "Dodgeball" with Ben Stiller. A screen actor guild member, he is part of this worldwide union which has over 100K members.
Bob started doing competitions in his mid-teens, competing at the Teen Tall. In 1981, he got 4th place and then in 1983, he won the competition. At the 1987 NPC Junior Nationals, he won the overall competition. As a pro, his first big victory came in 2000 at the NPC USA Championships where he got 1st overall. In 2002 he got 18th place at Mr. Olympia which proved he was a top 20 bodybuilder in the world. That same year he was 2nd at the Night of Champions. See below for his full list of competitions.
Competition history
- 1981 Natural America, Teen Tall, 4th
- 1983 AAU Mr. New York State, Teen Tall, 1st and Overall
- 1987 NPC Junior Nationals, HeavyWeight, 1st, and Overall
- 1987 NPC Nationals, Heavyweight, 5th
- 1988 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 8th
- 1989 NPC Nationals, Heavyweight, 4th
- 1989 North American Championships, Heavyweight, 4th
- 1989 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 2nd
- 1990 NPC Nationals, Light-Heavyweight, 5th
- 1993 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 8th
- 1995 NPC USA Championships, Heavyweight, 15th
- 1996 NPC Nationals, Heavyweight, 8th
- 1999 NPC Nationals, Heavyweight, 2nd
- 2000 NPC USA Championships, Super-Heavyweight, 1st, and Overall
- 2001 Night of Champions, 11th
- 2001 Toronto Pro Invitational, 5th
- 2002 Night of Champions, 2nd
- 2002 Mr. Olympia, 18th
- 2002 Show of Strength Pro Championship, 7th
- 2002 Southwest Pro Cup, 2nd
- 2003 Night of Champions, 6th
- 2004 Arnold Classic, 11th
- 2004 Ironman Pro Invitational, 8th
- 2005 New York Pro Championships, 8th
- 2005 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 9th
- 2006 Masters Pro World, 1st
Social media
Bob has a modest Instagram page with 42K followers
He has a small supplement brand called maxxoutsports and lists himself as the host of MrOlympiaLLC and Arnoldsports. He also has a small youtube channel which is called ‘voiceofbodybuilding’ click here
His bodybuilding opinions
Bob is very open about how he feels about bodybuilding in general and has some unique opinions.
His view is modern physiques are not better than past eras, but someone like Arnold if they were around today, with everything bodybuilders have access to would be a different athlete. He says you can't blame the judges, and that everyone is at fault for the state of bodybuilding today, because the judges are doing their job and going by what they see that day.
His opinion is that modern bodybuilders should focus more on conditioning vs. pure size.
Bob admits that he overtrained and wishes he could go back and train differently. He says a big mistake he made, and that others make, is that they don't give their body a chance to recover properly. For him, he routinely trained 5x per week, but his workouts were so intense that his body never fully healed between workouts.
He says that he realized this because he has missed a lot of workouts due to his busy life as he has gotten older, but the blessing has been he has recovered so much faster with fewer workouts.
Here he is training in a stringer vest
Bodybuilding from the 80's to the 2000s.
Bob was a teenager during the early 80s when bodybuilding started changing. We went from the Samir Bannout 190 pounds Mr. Olympia, to the Lee Haney 255 pounds. Then throughout the '90s and 2000s, Bob experienced the next phase where we saw Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler types who were almost 300 pounds in contest shape. So what changed from the early '80s to the 90s-2000s? One of the answers is the use of Trenbolone.
Another answer is HGH which started to get abused by bodybuilders in the late 80s and 90s. The government was providing AIDs patients with human growth hormone to help with muscle wasting, and as sad as it is, the HGH would then be sold to dealers who would then sell to bodybuilders. That is how bodybuilders were able to get legitimate pharmacy-grade growth hormone, and they were taking as much as they could get their hands on.
Bob is an absolute professional. He is a very busy guy who I expect to be involved in some capacity in over 20-30 shows worldwide in 2022/2023. This means a lot of traveling and sacrificing time with your family. Even with all that he still manages to stay in great shape even at his age today. His voice is commanding, he studies the athletes and knows their names and their backgrounds, and best of all he treats everyone respectfully and fair. I hope Bob continues to work in bodybuilding as we need more guys like him in the industry.
Steroid stack
We can make the argument Bob peaked around the year 2000. This was a big year, the world was experiencing a tech boom and bust, the internet was changing how people worked, and bodybuilders were posting pictures of themselves online for the first time. We can speculate as to what Bob could have used ahead of his NPC Championships victory:
- 14IU's HGH
In the last few years, human growth hormone (HGH) has overshadowed almost every other performance enhancing drug as far as on-field performance and body strength improvements are concerned. Read more...
- 3IU's insulin before 3 biggest meals of the day
Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; in addition, it stores fat to be used for energy later. When you eat, your blood sugar increases, which causes insulin to be released. Read more...
- 700mgs per week Trenbolone
Trenbolone, the most famous steroid for amazing gains, meets Equipoise, the most misunderstood steroid. In this article, we'll be going over the facts on how and why you need to stack Tren and EQ; in addition, we'll cover the fine points of bulking vs. cutting cycles. Read more...
- 1000mgs per week Primobolan
If there’s one steroid that can be considered as close to perfect as can be, it’d be Primobolan. Read more...
- 100mgs per day Winstrol
Winstrol or Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid used to get lean and hard, it's mainly used as an oral during cutting cycles to lose body fat. Read more...
- 120mgs per day Anavar
Anavar (Oxandrolone) was originally created by a Doctor Raphael Pappo under the trademarked name Oxandrin, who worked for Searle laboratories. Read more...
Forums on our forums? read on:
Cardarine is great for fat loss and can be stacked with anything. It is non-hormonal and non-stimulant so it is easy to add to any stack. Read more...
Do men's physique competitor need insulin since its way more powerful than anabolic steroids. Read more...
I have started my first trenbolone cycle, and my urine got really dark – like rust color. I do drink a lot of water – around 2 gallons per day... Read more..
Muscle cramps are very common when using steroids. It usually happens with oral steroids like dbol but it can also happen with steroids like primo and sust. Read more..
Doesn't happen to everyone but when it does trust me you will know, when I get them in my lower back sometimes its hard to get out of bed at first. Read more..
- Growth hormone
- Insulin and Insulin Resistance
- Improvements in body composition, cardiometabolic risk factors and insulin sensitivity with trenbolone in normogonadic rats
- Side effect of metenolone enanthate on rats heart in puberty: morphometrical study
- Stanozolol administration combined with exercise leads to decreased telomerase activity possibly associated with liver aging
DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Bob Cicherillo has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.