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Bostin Loyd death and steroids

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Bostin Loyd was a young bodybuilder and fitness coach who had a very aggressive approach to the bodybuilding lifestyle throughout his 20s. Known as a very outspoken person who was open about his steroid use, he liked to experiment on his own body and push things to an extreme. His peak stats are listed at 6'1'' and 280 pounds. In this article, we will go over his life, steroid use, and his death.

Early life

Loyd was born in March of 1992 in California, and his father owned a gym and was very much into the bodybuilding lifestyle. He has said on many occasions that bodybuilding is in his blood, he loved everything about it, and felt a lot of pressure to be successful at it.



When he was only 21 years old, Loyd won the NPC Contra Costa in California and quickly gained a huge social media following among young males. Many were drawn to his openness about anabolic steroids, since talking about them was considered taboo for many pro bodybuilders who were scared to lose sponsorships. Others did not want people to think that they achieved their physiques from steroids to prevent people from labeling them 'cheaters'.

Loyd enjoyed competing and had a lot of fun with it. Here is a video of him in 2013 with his future wife Ariella Palumbo at Muscle Beach competing at a Joe Wheatley show.

In 2015, Loyd got first place in the Men's Super heavyweight division at Montanari Bros Powerhouse Classic. You can watch that video here

The next year he competed at the NPC Kevin Gore Border Klash and got first place in the Super heavyweight division.

Business ventures


Loyd started to gain more fame due to his videos where he showed himself injecting steroids openly and also posting his huge steroid cycles for all to see. Although this angered many in the industry for various reasons, it also was viewed by some as 'honest'.

Although those videos were taken down, you can still see some clips here

From there, Loyd was able to build a huge following among curious and aspiring young bodybuilders and sell his various products including peptides, contest prep plans, phone consults, and supplement protocols. He also sold some clothing under his Team3cc company.

You can see his Facebook page Click here

Disputes with other bodybuilders


Loyd liked to pick fights with other bodybuilders to gain more followers and cause drama. He admitted the reason for this was he enjoyed the banter and it helped increase sales. The most infamous fight was with Rich Piana which got extremely personal. The fight involved an ex of Loyd's, penis size, and a dispute over business. In the end, most agreed that Piana got the most of Loyd and showed him up big time. You can watch the Piana attack here which was pretty brutal

Loyd also got into it with John Meadows who was considered one of the class acts of the industry. Loyd bashed Meadows as not accomplishing enough compared to him at his age, and Meadows fired back by saying "you won't make it to my age". You can read the exchange which was screenshot Click here

Loyd, overall by those who knew him, is considered a friendly and good-natured guy, but he was always up for a fight if he felt slighted by someone or wanted to boost his clicks.


Loyd was married to Ariella Palumbo, had a child, 4 dogs, and 1 cat. He lived in rural Florida near Tampa.



Back in October of 2020, he was diagnosed with stage 5 kidney failure which he blamed on a peptide called Adipotide which is a fat burner.

Early reports say he refused dialysis and decided to treat his condition mostly on his own and ignored his doctor's advice. His attitude was the doctors and his insurance company were no help to him and he chose instead to treat his ailment with peptides and things like EPO, glutathione, and stem cells. His last update on February 22 said: "I wish I had not put myself in this situation but unfortunately I've made some mistakes and now it's time to try and heal the wounds".

On February 25th, 2022 it was reported that Loyd had died at only 29 years old. He had passed out in his home, after going to the gym, and paramedics tried CPR and took him to the hospital and he did not make it.

A heart attack appears to be the early culprit, although the kidney issues likely contributed.

**We should find out more over the coming days and weeks.

Workout, Diet and Supplement routine


Loyd has written about a typical day's training, supplement, and food routine while at this peak weight of close to 300 pounds.

When waking: 10G EAA's, 10G Glutamine, 5G BCAA's, Coffee

30 minutes of cardio

Come home and eat 3 whole eggs, 2 cups of egg whites with oatmeal, apple juice, wheat bread, grass-fed butter, and apple cider vinegar

The next meal is chicken or turkey, sweet potato and quinoa

Pre-workout is a similar meal as above but he adds rice to it.

Workout 30 sets and take an intra workout shake

post-workout shake

Post-workout: steak, potato, rice, fruit, and veggie

before bed meal: shake with eggs and Metamucil

Steroid Cycle

Bodybuilder Bostin Loyd Steroid-using bodybuilder dies

Loyd wasn't shy about letting people know about what he was using. This is just one cycle he posted online, but it was when he was at his peak size. Warning: DO NOT try this at home!

    • 20IU's per day HGH

Growth hormones stimulate cell reproduction and cell regeneration in humans and animals. In the fitness world, it is used across the spectrum as a performance enhancing drug, and in the non-fitness world it's used as an anti-aging compound Read more..

    • 24IU's per day Insulin

Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; in addition, it stores fat to be used for energy later. When you eat, your blood sugar increases, which causes insulin to be released. Read more..

    • 1100mgs per week Testosterone Enanthate

Sustanon 250 is a commonly prescribed drug for treating low testosterone levels in men (TRT). This steroid compound is used by athletes and bodybuilders to gain muscle mass and increase strength. Read more..

    • 300mgs per week Testosterone Propionate

The building block of all steroids, testosterone is a naturally-produced hormone in the body. It is secreted by the testes and is responsible for the balanced growth and maintenance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in males - deepening of the voice, broadness of shoulders and narrowing of the pelvis, rapid hair growth (especially on the face, legs and pubis), and the production of semen for sexual reproduction. Read more..

  • 1200mgs per week Trenbolone Acetate
  • 100mgs Tren No ester pre-workout
  • 300mgs per week MENT
  • 600mgs a week Deca Durabolin
  • 1300mgs a week Equipoise
  • 60mg a day Turinabol
  • Arimidex
  • Cabergoline
  • IGF LR3
  • MK-677
  • EPO
  • DNP
  • Painkillers
  • Recreational drugs


Loyd is a guy who I have talked to personally so I have a lot of mixed emotions about his death fluctuating mostly between anger and sadness. I feel like he was led in the wrong direction by several in the industry, and by the time he realized this, it was too late to turn back around. I get the sense he relished having people tell him he was over doing things and wanted to prove them wrong. We see this rebelious nature among many in bodybuilding.

He should have trusted his doctors and accepted that he would have to change his bodybuilding lifestyle and tone it down. Others must learn from his mistakes or they run the risk of ending up dead very young.


Loyd posted that his favorite website online was Evolutionary.org and it was where he got a lot of his information from.

He was also a guest on the Evolutionary.org podcast 3 times which is hosted by Stevesmi

If you would like to discuss his death check out our forums click here


Forums on our forums? read on:

Cabergoline is only needed if running a nandrolone derivative like deca, npp, tren - correct Read more...

When you are talking about on cycle use, what do you guys recommend is the best for controlling estrogen side effects, arimidex or nolvadex? Read more...

I know many guys who do anavar solo cycles, and their results are great, and there are no side effects. Read more..

if you're worried about the other people, the red cross tests all blood donations twice before administering them to a patient. Read more..

The two steroids are very different. Deca is one of the bread and butter bulking steroids that will dramatically increase scale weight and strength. Read more..


DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Bostin Loyd has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.

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Written by
Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated

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