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Bryan Balzano Steroid Cycle

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Bryan Balzano bodybuilder

Bryan Balzano is a 33-year-old American IFBB pro bodybuilder who recently won the 2022 Indy Pro 212 division and is a guy who has overcome some incredible obstacles to get to where he is now. We think he has a bright future in the next few years.

His listed stats are 5'4'' and 212 pounds contest shape.

Early life

Bryan Balzano

Bryan was born in Ohio, which is a state surrounded by mostly farmland in the American midwest. He grew up in one of the most urban midwest cities Cleveland, Ohio, and said that it was common for many people to frequent gyms just to look and feel good. When he first started lifting weights he was only 110 pounds, and he wanted to gain mass. The gym became a lifestyle for him and after he graduated college he settled in Columbus, Ohio. One of the first things he did after moving was finding a legitimate meathead gym and started to network with others who pushed him to compete.

First competitions and bad luck

Bryan Balzano muscle

Bryan won the 2014 Michael Francois classic and then a few weeks later won the NPC Nationals and claimed his pro card. It appeared that he was well on his way to becoming a serious contender but some bad luck would come his way.

First, he tore his labrum which required surgery and a 10-month break from the gym. Once he finally came back he tore his right bicep, which required another surgery.

In 2016, he appeared to be back in business and was up to 215 pounds near his all-time peak weight. However, he discovered a pilonidal cyst, which is a growth at the tailbone that contains hair and skin. It is something that easily becomes infected and requires surgery. This simple procedure turned into a nightmare when the wound would not heal, which he blames on being so muscular around his glutes. He lost patience and consulted a plastic surgeon who messed up a cleft lift surgery, and he ended up having a deep wound that needed to be cut out and reconstructed. In all, he had at least 6 procedures and surgeries to fix this issue and did not return 100% to the gym until 2019.
You can read more about his crazy injury story  click here


Starting over

Bryan Balzano Gym

Due to his medical problems, he only weighed 150 pounds and had to start from scratch. He had to tap into his muscle memory and hope his body would respond, which it did. By the end of 2020, he had put on 50 pounds of mass and set a goal to compete in 2021. At the 2021 Indy Pro, he got 4th place which he was pleased with. The next year he would win his division at the same competition and completed his amazing comeback.

There is a sneak peek video of him before the night of the Indy Pro 2022 getting final advice from his trainer/coach on posing.


If you have ever wondered what it is like for bodybuilders in their hotel rooms the night prior then this is the video for you.

Here is Bryan at the Indy Pro 2022 Men's 212 posing for final callouts. He is quite a beast in this video and shows everyone why he is a force to be reckoned with in future competitions and we look forward to seeing how he does at Mr. Olympia in 2022.

Social media

Bryan has a very modest Instagram page but it is growing


He reps for Athletic alliance and attachitherapy.

He also has a youtube video interview he did where he discusses his 2022 goals including Mr. Olympia. His favorite bodybuilder is Jay Cutler


Here he is training his shoulders in this video.
One of the tips he talks about is he likes to keep his muscle workouts very similar and rarely will he change anything up. This is interesting because it is unique among others in the industry.

He says in the offseason he might try something new but admits his entire blueprint is unorthodox. He chooses 3 main exercises and goes for an hour + per exercise and he knows that it's time to move on when he can no longer do that exercise.

His rep range is usually 10-15 reps medium range.

He also believes in training smart and does not care about lifting heavy. His goal is to engage the muscle and hates looking at himself in the mirror which is why he likes to wear sweats at the gym.

His mentality

Bryan talks about how becoming a pro bodybuilder has impacted his life but hasn't changed who he is. He still is that skinny midwest boy who stepped into the gym for the first time and felt that people were laughing at him. He believes in chasing his dreams and wants to also help others achieve their goals too. He still says that he is shy to this day, but his goals are to truly be the greatest bodybuilder of all time.


Bryan Balzano biceps

Bryan has overcome a lot of obstacles. Most people in his situation would have turned to addictions and given up on their dreams. Through no fault of his own, he had to endure a horrible medical situation that cost him many days of sleep, money, time, and hard work in the gym. I would love to see him move up the Olympia rankings and show everyone that refusing to give up can pay off.

Steroid use

We weren't able to find anything where Bryan specifically discusses steroid use. However, to make that sort of comeback and amazing transformation we have to speculate that steroids played a large role. Here is a steroid cycle we think he could have used ahead of his 2022 Indy Pro:

    • 15IU's HGH

Human growth hormone (also known as hgh, somatropin, nutrobal, nutropin) is a peptide hormone which stimulates growth on the cellular level. Read more...

    • 8Iu's Insulin

Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; in addition, it stores fat to be used for energy later. Read more...

    • 1000mgs a week Testosterone Enanthate, dropping it ahead of the contest

The building block of all steroids, testosterone is a naturally-produced hormone in the body. It is secreted by the testes and is responsible for the balanced growth and maintenance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in males - deepening of the voice, broadness of shoulders and narrowing of the pelvis, rapid hair growth (especially on the face, legs and pubis), and the production of semen for sexual reproduction. Read more...

    • 1000mgs a week Trenbolone, dropping to 500mgs ahead of the contest

The building block of all steroids, testosterone is a naturally-produced hormone in the body. It is secreted by the testes and is responsible for the balanced growth and maintenance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in males - deepening of the voice, broadness of shoulders and narrowing of the pelvis, rapid hair growth (especially on the face, legs and pubis), and the production of semen for sexual reproduction. Read more...

    • 1200mgs a week Masteron Propionate

Masteron (Drostanolone) is a unique anabolic steroid because of the way it is derived from DHT (dihydrotestosterone). It is altered by the addition of a methyl group at the carbon 2 position. This structural change is what makes masteron anabolic, and what makes it function the way it does. Read more...

    • 1000mgs a week Equipoise

Trenbolone, the most famous steroid for amazing gains, meets Equipoise, the most misunderstood steroid. In this article, we'll be going over the facts on how and why you need to stack Tren and EQ; in addition, we'll cover the fine points of bulking vs. cutting cycles. Read more...

  • 100mgs a day of Winstrol


Forums on our forums? read on:

I've done a lot of reading about HGH and will be running 2-3ius (admittedly a low dose) for 6-7 months with the goal of recomping. Read more...

Do men's physique competitor need insulin since its way more powerful than anabolic steroids. Read more...

As far as I know, the propionate is the fastest to act - will it make any difference for my workout. Read more..

The AAS dosages are looking good. However, Dbol is liver toxic, and you are missing a good liver support during the cycle. Read more..

I've read of things like this happening but I am skeptical. you said you dropped 6 pounds.. Read more..


DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Bryan Balzano has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.

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Written by
Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated

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