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Busta Rhymes Steroid Cycle

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In my previous article, I discussed another rapper, Dr. Dre, using steroids, but more and more questions have come up about Busta. Busta Rhymes has gotten very big over the years. There is constant talk of him using steroids and cycling, but is it true? Well, a close friend of mine mentioned something interesting, he went to school with Busta Rhymes and always noticed Busta being a smaller kid (not naturally buff). This is reflected in the before picture below:

 busta rhymes steroids before after

On the left is the old Busta Rhymes, on the right is the new Busta “steroid” Rhymes. As you can see the changes are profound and clearly visible. The real question is what kind of steroids did Busta Rhymes use.

These are the 2 videos that are best examples of Bustas size and how thick he is, notice he associates with huge bodybuilders (Thank You video), which is usually a steroid user sign. Guys usually hang out with guys who are like-minded.

Bust Rhymes Steroid Cycle

Week Deca


Dianabol HCGenerate RS




1 1000mgs




2 caps AM/

3 caps pm

10 pumps




2 caps


2 post-


3 PM

2 1000mgs




2 caps AM/

3 caps pm

10 pumps




2 caps


2 post-


3 PM

3 same same same same same same
4 same same same same same same
5 same same same same same same
6 same same same same same same
7 same same same same same same
8 same same same same same same
9 same same same same same same
10 same same same same same same
11 same OFF same same same same
12 same OFF same same same same
13 same OFF same same same same
14 same OFF same same same same
15 same OFF same same same same
16 same OFF same same same same


busta rhymes steroids*he is using very light Liquidex ½ dosage per day it seems

*there is also talk about HGH/Insulin use, see his possible HGH gut







DISCLAIMER: The cycle above is our opinion on what Busta Rhymes could have used, this is for information and entertainment purposes only.

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Written by
Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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