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Coach Knew About Doping, Says Lance Armstrong

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Accordingly to newly public documents, Chris Carmichael knew disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong was using banned performance enhancing drugs long before the cyclist went to the 1996 Olympics or won a record seven Tour de France titles.

Coach Knew About Doping, Says Lance Armstrong

In the documents filed by the U.S. District Court, Lance Armstrong has named people who provided performance enhancing drugs to him and who all were aware of his doping practices. Armstrong, as part of the sworn statement, said he told Colorado Springs cycling Coach Chris Carmichael he was doping in 1995. The documents included responses by Armstrong to questions submitted under oath in November last year. The cyclist, in his answers, said trainer Pepi Marti, Dr. Pedro Celaya, Dr. Luis Garcia del Moral, and Dr. Michele Ferrari provided performance enhancing drugs to him. The cyclist said the drugs delivered by bike mechanic Julien de Vriese, motorcycle driver Philippe Maire, and masseuse Emma O'Reilly. Armstrong also remarked team manager Johan Bruyneel assisted his doping.

Armstrong also disclosed that he bullied, tried to intimidate, unjustly sued, retaliated against, or made false accusations against for speaking out against doping or accusing him of doping and this list included O'Reilly, 21 riders, riders' wives, media outlets and the head of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, Travis Tygart. Armstrong however denied he paid anyone or any organization to keep his doping secret. The cyclist had claimed in the past that former UCI president Hein Verbruggen helped him cover up doping at the 1999 Tour de France, a charge that was denied by Verbruggen.

If these allegations by Lance against Chris Carmichael are true, it means Carmichael who was coach for the U.S. Olympic team in 1996, selected Armstrong for the Olympics knowing he was a cheater. Carmichael vehemently denied the allegations and said he have never participated in a doping program, not with Lance Armstrong or anyone else and added that his role as a coach has always been to inspire athletes to be the best they can be by focusing on training, nutrition and innovations in equipment and sports science.

Armstrong was coached by Carmichael as a young Olympian in the 1990s and Carmichael was his personal coach for repeated wins at the Tour de France from 1999 to 2005. Carmichael Training Systems, the Colorado Springs-based coaching business of Carmichael, was successful thanks to the unprecedented success of Lance Armstrong. Many believe that Carmichael was aware of the drugs early on but the coach has defended his rider in the press for more than a decade. In 2012, Carmichael said he never in 20 years saw him use any banned substances, and in his eyes, seeing is believing. Carmichael also dismissed the assertion of Armstrong teammate Frankie Andreu as "ridiculous" that Armstrong had told him that he had doped. In 204, a Carmichael spokesman in response to O'Reilly's allegations said Chris can attest that Lance has never taken any performance enhancing drugs.

The documents became public as part of a federal whistleblower lawsuit that was brought by Floyd Landis, Armstrong's former cycling teammate, against Thomas Weisel, the financier of Armstrong's U.S. Postal Service cycling team.

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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