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Combating the Cardiovascular Side Effects of Trenbolone with GW-501516

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trenbolone gw-501516 cardarineAs many of you know, Trenbolone is one of, if not THE strongest steroid that is available today. The drastic changes that occur with it's usage are "superman like" to say the least. The problem with tren being as strong as it is comes in the form of the many negative side effects that it can produce. The list is long and extreme when it comes to side effects associated with tren usage. Here is list of possible and probably side effects: Increase in prolactin, acne, hair loss, insomnia, excess sweating, night sweats, rapid heart rate, anxiety, loss of libido and erectile disfunction, increase in blood pressure and cholesterol.

Another side effect that can deter a lot of people from it's use is the horrible effect that it has on cardiovascular performance. Tren can drastically reduce your cardiovascular output and make any type of endurance activity much harder than it should be. Finally, there is an answer to combat this problem. By incorporating GW-510516 (Cardarine) you can counteract the negative cardiovascular effects from tren and allow yourself to perform cardiovascular exercises, both aerobic and anaerobic, as you normally would have. GW-501516 has been banned by the WADA (world anti doping association) because of the drastic advantage it gives athletes competing in endurance events. The amount of endurance it provides is extremely high and it allows you to maximize your efforts in everything that you are doing. By adding GW to your cycle, especially with tren, you will see that you can recover at much more rapid pace and you can go longer and harder with your workouts than you could have ever thought about doing before. Allowing yourself to maximize your cardiovascular output on tren will enhance the already drastic results it provides and allow a user to reach goals and peaks that were not though possible. Beyond the fact that your endurance and stamina will be increased, there are other benefits, especially to go along with tren sides, that GW will provide. GW has shown to increase good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol, through multiple studies, between 50-70%. To add to this, GW can have a VERY POSITIVE IMPACT ON BLOOD PRESSURE. By allowing you to increase your endurance in such a drastic way, GW-501516 allows for a major increase in cardiovascular health, allowing for optimal blood pressure and an overall much better state of health as well as sense of well being...

The benefits of GW-501516 are very apparent and noteworthy. The fact that there is finally something that can be used safely with tren, and combat the cardiovascular side effects, as well as many others, is nothing short of amazing. This is a protocol that more and more people are beginning to use and will continue to use in the future. The optimal dosing of GW-501516 is 20 mg a day. You can run this up to 12 weeks at this dosage before needing a 4 week rest period. After your rest period, you can start running it again.


cardarine (gw-501516)




1-12 test prop 100 mg eod

1-10 tren ace 50 mg ed

1-12 mast prop 200 mg eod

1-12 primo ace 200 mg rod

1-12 gw-501516 20 mg day

1-12 s4 50 mg day

1-14 aromasin 12.5 mg eod

1-14 n2guard

5-12 hcgenerate ES

13-14 hcg 1000 jus week

9-14 winstrol 50 mg day

pct 15-18

clomid 50/50/25/25



aromasin 12.5 mg eod

Ostatine (MK-2866) 25 mg day


This is the ultimate superman contest prep stack designed by Dylan Gemelli

The benefits of GW-501516 are prevalent and can truly maximize the results of any cycle that is incorporated with. Make sure to check out www.sarms1.com for your GW-501516 needs. Thank you!


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Dylan Gemelli is a Certified personal trainer and Coach. He has over 15 years of experience in bodybuilding, fitness, training and coaching. He's worked with multiple movie stars, IFBB pros and fitness celebs on their training and diet. He's helped set up cycles for the greatest in our industry. He holds the following qualifications: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist AFAA Group Fitness NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist NASM Weight Loss Specialist


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    They say there is “Never a stupid question”
    that I need answered. How are SARMS Triple Cut Stack administered (or any SRMS for that matter)? I have one that is a chunky pink liquid that I can’t see it being an INJ. But my Biochemistry researched background is dated I took Biochemistry when you were kids. Not you Big Ric!
    Guys you look insane – I looked like that when I was 28 then just sailed into 40 and now it is so much fun! Ha!
    I appreciate the help.

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