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Craig Titus Steroid Cycle

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Craig Titus

Craig Titus is a former IFBB professional bodybuilder whose career was cut short by the despicable act of murdering a woman. He was active as a bodybuilder from 1988 until 2005, which was the year the murder took place. In this article, we will go over his life, his crime, and his steroid use.

Cut short

Early life

soccer ball goal

Born in 1967, Titus was raised in a suburb near Detroit, Michigan along with his 2 younger siblings. He attempted to play football in high school but was not able to do well at it due to his tiny frame. Instead, he focused on wrestling. At his peak in high school as a senior, he only weighed 135 pounds and was 5'6'' tall. He got into weight training and was able to instantly see very good results as he gained almost 50 pounds within a few years. This was when he decided to become a bodybuilder.

Early Competitions

Craig Titus Seated Dumbbell Press

Titus first real show was at just 21 years old and he won overall the 1988 Houston Bodybuilding Championships competing in the middleweight class. The next year he won the competition again. Over the next few years, he did very well at various NPC's, winning the 1991 NPC Ironman and finishing in the top 4 in others in the heavyweight division.

First legal problems

He earned his pro card in the IFBB, in 1996, when he won the NPC USA Championships. During these early successes, there were some bumps in the road. At one point he pleaded guilty to ecstasy distribution and had to wear an electronic anklet for 16 months via house arrest. He violated his probation when he was busted using anabolic steroids and got 21 months in prison which interrupted his career.


In 2000, Titus started competing in harder competitions against the world's best and finished 8th at the Ironman Pro, 10th at the Arnold Classic, 5th at the Toronto Pro, and 11th at the Night of Champions. The next year he did even better getting 6th at the Arnold Classic and 12th at Mr. Olympia. In 2002, he improved to 11th at Mr. Olympia and finished in the top 10 at numerous IFBB competitions over the next few years until his last competition in 2005.

Craig Titus 70

His peak stats were listed at 5'8'' and 265 pounds in the offseason and 240 pounds during the season.

Murder and prison

In December 2005, the personal assistant to Titus, named Melissa James, was found burned inside of his wife's Jaguar. The manner of death was disturbing which involved being beaten, tasered, and given morphine. Titus was involved in an affair with her.

Melissa James

Titus said he killed Melissa while he was on drugs and it was an accident. His wife was also involved in the murder. He said, "things got [carried] out of control".

At first, Titus and his wife claimed that Melissa had stolen their car, but the video showed a different story. Turns out they were caught on camera purchasing lighter fluid from Walmart. The wannabe Bonnie and Clyde couple then fled Las Vegas and drove east to the other side of the country. At this point they were just trying to save themselves and worried the murder would ruin their careers, however, they would be caught in Massachusetts and arrested. Authorities were worried the couple would flee to Greece.

The murder was considered brutal and made national news and was discussed on many crime shows including Crime Watch Daily.


Titus and his wife initially pleaded not guilty which could have led to the death penalty. A third individual named Anthony Gross pled guilty and got probation, due to him helping torch the vehicle but claimed 'he didn't know a murder took place'.

Craig Titus and his wife changed their pleas ahead of the trial to guilty and Craig was sentenced to 21-55 years in prison while his wife Kelly was sentenced to 6-26 years.

Craig's first parole eligibility will be in 2026.

Kelly has already been released after serving 11 years.

Career and marriage

Titus wrote for Muscular Development for 2 years during his peak years. He was married to whom he called 'his best friend' in Kelly Ann Ryan who also was a bodybuilder. They later divorced in 2009 while he was in prison.

Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan – The murder that shocked the bodybuilding world

Nutrition and his beef with Kamali

Titus has talked about his nutrition in interviews. He mentions that he eats a lot of fish and chicken, but won't touch red meat until he cuts down ahead of a show. He also loves nuts for his good fats and also likes fruits, rice, jam, and bagels. His strategy was keto for 3-4 days then loading on carbs and simple sugars.

Here is a good interview where he talks about nutrition, his beef with King Kamali, why he moved to Vegas, and how much he hated living in Venice, CA due to the spotlight.

Craig Titus. One of the bad boys of bodybuilding. Currently training for the 2003 Night of Champions, in eight weeks. Always has something to say. A businessman, and so much more. Probably one of the most talked about, for good or bad, bodybuilders in discussion boards. Here are a few questions with Craig, in his first interview after leaving the Weider organization for a new start. Read more


Craig Titus is a narcissist only worried about himself. He murdered his assistant simply to get rid of her for selfish reasons. He has always been proud of his bad-boy image which has followed him his whole life. Although I do commend him for apologizing for the murder, I do not believe he is sorry and believe a man like this is capable of killing again and should never be released. This type of act gives everyone in bodybuilding a bad image and hurts us all because it feeds into the narrative that all of us are crazy selfish meatheads who have no empathy for others.

Steroid use

Craig Titus used steroids as evidenced by not only his physique but also his probation violation where steroids were used. A discussion can also be raised on if ‘roid rage’ contributed to what he did. We can speculate at his peak he probably ran something like this:

  • 1500mg a week Trenbolone
  • 1000mgs a week Equipoise
  • 800mg a week Testosterone
  • 1000mgs a week Masteron
  • 150mg a day Anavar
  • 100mg a day Winstrol
  • 20IU's per day HGH
  • 12Iu's per day Insulin
  • Recreational drugs
  • Painkillers including Nubain


Forums on our forums? read on:

Just wanted to share this story about my cousin who killed his wife from steroid use. It made national news a year ago so you might have heard of it if you follow that sort of thing. He basically took steroids and turned into a different person Read more...

It's sufficient but I would run both 12-16 weeks if you can afford it. Especially the nutrabol. I recommend 12-16 week cycles with 4 week breaks in-between. Read more...

The government is shutting down domestic USA (based in the states) sources. Another source on the west coast has been shut down Read more..

well i won't bash his video because i know how hard it is to do these vids but there really wasn't anything he said that isn't copy/pasted anywhere. Read more..

I last competed in 99 and have been out if bb since. I'm just trying again now. So, I checked out a few guys I used to compete with and came across this palumboism. Christ, it's scary. Read more..


DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Craig Titus has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware.  His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.

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Steve Smi (Also known as Steve Smith), has over 12 years of experience in the bodybuilding and fitness industry. He's the co-Host of the popular Evolutionary Radio Podcast - over 500,000 listens! He has been a personal trainer and writer for the last 10 years with over 1000 articles written. He's been a moderator on forums for over 10 years. Steve holds the following certifications and records: NASM Personal Trainer NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist Florida Local Powerlifting champion Top writer for 2019 Fitness rated

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