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Criteria For Reinstatement Of Russian Paralympic Committee Released By IPC

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The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has published criteria that should be met by the Russian Paralympic Committee to have its membership reinstated.


The IPC decided to bar the whole Russian Paralympic team from taking part in the 2016 Summer Paralympics after a damning report delivered by the Independent Commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The report claimed a total of 35 doping samples were concealed by Russian Paralympic sports between 2012 and 2015.

The criteria is divided into two categories, reinstatement criteria that outlines the conditions the Russian Paralympic Committee must meet and supporting the reinstatement criteria are the underlying verification criteria, which set out certain specific matters that need to be rectified by the RPC.

The RPC, under the reinstatement criteria, must comply with all the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Program (including, in particular, the World Anti-Doping Code). In a press release, the IPC said the RPC, IPC, International Federations and RUSADA (once RUSADA has been declared Code-compliant again) are all able to carry out their respective anti-doping activities in Russia and in relation to Russian Para athletes and athlete support personnel effectively and without external interference (as part of this, the RPC will need to adequately address the findings of the McLaren Report).

The IPC press release also said the participation as a result in IPC-sanctioned competitions of Para athletes and athlete support personnel under the RPC’s jurisdiction will not jeopardize the integrity of those competitions. The press release said as to verification criteria, the RPC must, at its cost, establish an RPC coordination committee of suitably qualified representatives who are ready, willing and able to ensure that the RPC satisfies the reinstatement criteria and verification criteria.

The Russian Paralympic Committee must provide the IPC Taskforce with details of each RPC staff member, director, officer, board/committee member, coach, and athlete support personnel. The IPC said the RPC will not appoint any Russian government official to its governing board, executive committee, or in any other role. The IPC also asked the RPC to provide it with a list of athletes who the RPC would wish to put forward for participation in IPC-sanctioned competitions by December 15. The press release further reads the RPC may amend that list from time to time, and also may be required to prioritize athletes on the National List, in particular taking into account the available capacity for testing.

The IPC Press release further reads that he IPC will include certain Russian athletes from this National List in its International Registered Testing Pool (IRTP). It further added the RPC must procure that all athletes on the National List who are not included in the IPC's IRTP are included in the National Registered Testing Pool (NRTP) administered by RUSADA (or by such other WADA-approved entity standing in for RUSADA pending its reinstatement). It also commented that the RPC and the Russian athletes included in the IRTP, NRTP, and other Registered Testing Pools must ensure that testing can be conducted without any hindrance, delay, obstruction, or interference.

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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