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Cung Le Steroid Cycle

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Cung Le is one of those MMA fighters that has history and legend behind him. In a way, you can say that it was Cung Le who helped build Strikeforce, especially in the start. It was the talent and performance that he brought to the ring that helped drive fans to the California MMA organization. Some say there would be no Strikeforce if there was no Cung Le.

There is also a history behind the life of Cung Le. He was born in 1975, literally a few days before Saigon fell to the North Communist forces and Americans left. Le was airlifted with his mother by helicopter. His father had to stay in Vietnam as a prisoner of war, so to speak. Imagine, the poor kid had to live with only his mother in a new world, new culture and new life. His childhood wasn't easy at all.

cung le cycle

Cung Le @ UFC Weigh-in

Coming to the USA, he was bullied a lot, so he started learning martial arts. This lead him to learn wrestling and become a good Sanshou kickboxer. As a result of his kickboxing career, he went on to become a great force in the MMA world, making his name in Strikeforce. However, his transition to the UFC was much harder. Until 2008, while he was in Strikeforce, he didn't lose, but after coming to the UFC, he faced new talent. His Wanderlei Silva fight where he was knocked out really opened his eyes. The top UFC talent forced him to train harder and fight harder, which is likely why he resolved to use performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) to boost his performance. In 2014, he was caught using HGH (human growth hormone) when he was tested after UFC in Macao. As a result, he received a 9 month suspension by the UFC.

Zuffa, the owners of UFC made this statement:

UFC middleweight Cung Le tested positive for an excess level of Human Growth Hormone in his system following his fight at UFC Fight Night in Macao, China on August 23. Due to his positive test result, Le was suspended by the UFC and notified that he violated the UFC Fighter Conduct Policy and Promotional Agreement with Zuffa, LLC. The UFC has a strict, consistent policy against the use of any illegal and/or performance-enhancing drugs, stimulants or masking agents by our athletes. Le will serve a nine-month suspension and, at its conclusion, will need to pass a drug test before competing in the UFC again.

It's fact that Cung Le was caught using HGH, but what's not fact is if he used other PEDs during his cycle. Since we aren't too sure of his other use, we'll try to build his steroid cycle from scratch. Due to the fact that he didn't test positive for any immediate metabolites of steroids, we'll assume short esters were used along with the HGH.  Before we do the cycle, you be the judge what steroids or HGH Cung Le might have used by this picture.  This is Mr. Le before and after:

cung le before after

Cung Le Pictures: Before (Left) ----- After (Right)

Cung Le Steroid Cycle*

Week Testosterone


Winstrol Anavar Cardarine


HGH N2Guard
1 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
2 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
3 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
4 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
5 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
6 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
7 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
8 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
9 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED
10 100mgs/EOD 50mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 20mgs/ED 4IUs/ED 5caps/ED

Why were these drugs used on the cycle?

Just as with any steroid cycles, there has to be reason for a particular cycle to be used. In the case of MMA fighters (or any other athletes) who are tested, it's best to use short acting steroid compounds, so they leave your system fast. Test prop has a short half life and can be stopped a few weeks out from the testing process. Orals like anavar and winstrol, along with cardarine, are usually stopped around 2 weeks out from the actual fight. While N2Guard can be ran most of the time. Basically, we have a perfect short estered, short stack that allows for maximum gains with the least chances of being caught. But, why did he use HGH? After all, he was caught. Well, HGH is mostly used to gain lean mass, have low bodyfat and feel younger. Realistically, post-training recovery is the biggest reason HGH is used in sports.

Drugs (PEDs) not used by most athletes due to problems with testing: (long half-life)

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cung-le steroids

Cung Le Body



*DISCLAIMER: The cycle above is our opinion on what Cung Le could have used, this is for information and entertainment purposes only. There is no proof that Cung Le used steroids or other drugs.  So far, only 1 HGH has been failed by Cung Le.

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Written by
Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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  1. Avatar photo

    The problem with your theory is that martial arts is heavily technique based, he lost because he has absolutely no training against the muay thai clinch. This could be seen when he does absolutely nothing to defend against Silva grabbing his neck, and ultimately kneeing him for the KO.Using steroids or HGH would not be a logical choice at all after his loss, as you could see he loses again to a knee to the chin against Bisping.

    Looks like he is getting off because the Hong Kong lab tested him for HGH AFTER the fight, and they also do not have approved procedures by WADA.

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