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Deca Durabolin vs Equipoise- Pharmaqo Labs

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Welcome to Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #90 - Deca Durabolin vs Equipoise using Pharmaqo Labs.  In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss choosing optimal steroids based on goals, deca facts and experiences, equipoise facts and experiences, best pharmaqo options for stacking these steroids, and why Pharmaqo is trusted.

Choosing optimal steroids based on goals

Mobster starts by pointing out that different steroids are easier for bulking and some for cutting.  However, he strongly believes that diet goes a long way to determining how you can optimally bulk or optimally cut down no matter which steroid you use.  He also believes that certain steroids can make the goals and targets easier, just like choosing the right tool for the job.

He also points out that it's easier than ever to get any steroid you want, thanks to brands like Pharmaqo that provide you with every option you can imagine.  At the end of the day, it isn't the way it was in the 90's or 80's where you didn't have much of a selection. Steve points out that in the 70's they had access to maybe 4 steroids only, so they had a limited selection to choose from.

Steve says that with a lot of bulking steroids, you can eat in a deficit and still gain mass.  Why is this? He explains these hormones were designed for people who were suffering from muscle wasting diseases so that is their job to bulk you up even while you eat less food.  So if your goal is cutting it makes no sense to use a bulking steroid.  On the flip side when using a cutting steroid that dries and hardens you up, while also killing your appetite, it won't make sense to use it to bulk up.

Mobster says over the years he has run into steroids that have not worked well for him, he uses the example that he doesn't like test Enanthate, but he loves test cypionate and reacts well to it.  Whether you are looking for cardio benefits, fighting sports, bodybuilding, competing, or just a gym rat, it makes a difference what you choose and you must know what you are using.

Deca facts and our experiences

It is no secret that Mobster loves to bulk up and he loves using Deca for that reason. It is great for appetite increase and great for mood and he likes to use around 350mgs of each Deca and Sustanon together.

Steve explains that Deca aromatizes around a 5th less than straight Testosterone. He says it was originally synthesized back in the 1950s and it grew in popularity over the next 2 decades and was loved by guys who wanted to use something to help them bulk but didn't come with the estrogen side effects of Testosterone.  Due to less stress and inflammation in our body on Deca, it will cause your appetite to go sky high.  Steve says that he would wake up hungry, go work out, and come home and want to eat again.

Steve gets into why some people get 'Deca Dick' on Deca Durabolin.  If you are a great responder to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) when it comes to erectile health then you might not react well to Deca because it is not a DHT. More importantly, it will metabolize in the body to the opposite of DHT which is DHN (dihydronandrolone).  When you have excess DHN in the body it will cause an imbalance which can cause 'Deca Dick'. A simple fix to this would be to manually add in a DHT derivative steroid from Pharmaqo like Proviron, Masteron, or Winstrol.

Another reason for issues is those who stack too much Testosterone with Deca.  This causes a huge imbalance of estrogen and can lead to blood flow issues which can hurt libido and erection health.

At the end of the day, the guys agree that if you run Deca the right way it can be one of the best bulking steroids on earth.


Equipoise facts and our experiences

Equipoise was originally developed for human use to help with anemia and muscle wasting, it also is great for increasing red blood cells RBC without causing a ton of side effects. This makes it optimal for athletics and endurance sports.  Equipoise is now used in horse racing and vet medicine for those reasons.

Pharmaqo Equipoise comes with a pretty long ester so another advantage is you don't need to inject it very often.  This is another advantage for those who don't like injecting and who want to get a nice amount of volume since it also doesn't come with much PIP (post-injection pain).

Steve loves Pharmaqo EQ because it fits his lifestyle of being active.  It's one of the top 5 injectable steroids that people are using today.  One of the best things it does, is give you all the advantages of anabolic steroids, without the harsh side effects.

It is also a versatile steroid that can be used for recomp, cutting, and bulking.


Pharmaqo options for stacking and dosing cycles

Mobster earlier in the podcast talks about stacking Pharmaqo Deca and Pharmaqo Sustanon around 350mgs a week and it's allowed him to bulk up.

Steve would use it a bit differently.  He would do the Deca 400mgs, Test E 150mgs a week, 25-50mgs a day Proviron.

A good dose of Equipoise would be anywhere from 250-600mgs of Equipoise. You can stack in some light Testosterone in there to kick the cycle. Another option is you add some Pharmaqo orals like Anavar, Dbol, or Tbol. Those are good options as well.

There is a blend that Pharmaqo has Equipoise and Testosterone together if you want to save some money and volume.

The best endurance and athletic stack that Steve recommends is Equipoise 300mgs a week with Turinabol 25mgs a day.

When it comes to using a more aggressive stack you can add pharmaqo Tren to your Equipoise of Deca.  If you just want to be a gym rat it's good to use Tren 250-300mgs a week with 300mgs Equipoise per week.  If you want to take things to another level with mass and strength then stack Tren at the same dose and add in Deca 300mgs a week with 25-50mgs a day Proviron and you will hit all-time PR's.


Pharmaqo quality and trust

Being able to trust your steroid source is crucial. Pharmaqo products have been tested independently and anonymously.  There is nothing worse than using these very specific steroids and getting something you didn't pay for.

Steve and Mobster agree that Pharmaqo is a brand they trust to put into their body. They have excellent orals, injectables, and ancillaries.

Where to buy?

Pharmaqo can be purchased from Domestic supply.

Domestic-supply.com is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more.  When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Pharmaqo brand and not fakes.

They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes.  They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast.  They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.

They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have.  If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.


Forums on our forums? read on:

Hello, i’m seeking advice on using deca durabolin for my joint issues I'm currently 50 years old and as I've gone older it's become a recurring issue with Read More........

I’m an experienced steroid user. Been using them for about 10 years. Experimented with many different options but never did tren and Read More........

25 years old 5’8’’ 180 pounds so I’ve been using deca for the past 10 weeks. Didn’t have any issues for half the cycle, but over the last few weeks Read More............

So I am contemplating 2 steroid stacks both involving either deca or tren. I want mass. I’m currently 180 lbs and 6 ft tall and I would like to put on some more size and Read More........

looking to bulk up on my next cycle I’m currently 165 pounds and I would like to bulk up to atleast 180 pounds or more. Hopefully you can give me some Read More........


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Written by
Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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