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Desoxymethyltestosterone (Madol, Pheraplex and DMT for short) is an extremely strong synthetic oral anabolic steroid. It is one of the anabolic-androgenic steroids that was at the heart of the BALCO professional sports doping scandal because it was widely used by pro athletes. Keep in mind, it was not on any banned list at the time.
DMT (Madol) vs. THG - both BALCO designer steroids
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Desoxymethyltestosterone was invented by Max Huffman in 1961, but never brought to market as a commercial drug. It was rediscovered by amateur bodybuilder and chemist Patrick Arnold, in 2005. Arnold was approached to supply Madol for Victor Conte of BALCO, a steroid supplier to professional athletes. As a result of the BALCO scandal, in 2010, desoxymethyltestosterone became a controlled substance, and it is classified as a schedule III anabolic steroid in the USA.
Patrick Arnold and BALCO
Patrick Arnold is considered "the father of Prohormones" for his manufacturing and creating of designer steroids. Arnold helped supply BALCO, an American company, which in turn supplied athletes in the USA and Europe with designed steroids and HGH for several years. Arnold was sentenced to three months in prison for his role in the BALCO incident, and many Olympic athletes were disqualified as a result of doping with BALCO drugs.
How it works and studies
Desoxymethyltestosterone is structurally a 2-ene compound, lacking the 3-Keto group of all commercial anabolic steroids, and it has an addition of a double bond. Some might assume the lack of '3-keto' means it is a weak compound; however, studies have shown that it has an anabolic effect 160% of testosterone, while being only 60% as androgenic. Its anabolic/androgenic ratio is 1200/187. In addition, Madol also does not aromatize into estrogen.
Madol users can expect rapid gains in their lifts and increased muscle mass gains, without water retention. Like all anabolic steroids, it aids in protein synthesis, recovery, and increase in red blood cells (RBC).
Some athletes involved with BALCO used desoxymethyltestosterone, in addition to other compounds, to increase muscle and strength with excellent results. Athletes that were involved in BALCO (and possibly ran Madol) were MLB and NFL stars: Barry Bonds, Bill Romanowski, Jason Giambi; as well as numerous Olympic athletes such as Marion Jones.
Side Effects
Typically, a potent oral steroid such as this would have potent side effects, and this is the case with DMT. Madol is 17alpha-alkylated to protect the compound from being broken down by the liver, and it can effect cardiovascular health (specifically cholesterol levels). It is recommended you run a cycle-aid supplement such as N2Guard to protect your liver and heart during cycles. Rapid results can also mean fatigue and insomnia, so it is crucial to cycle off this compound within 6-8 weeks. In addition, this steroid is suppressive, so a post cycle therapy will be needed.
A dosage of 10-30mg per day split into AM and PM is fine, but a more prudent dosing schedule would be 3 (three) times per day. Do not exceed 50mg per day, as it is not needed with this potent compound. Also, it is not recommended you exceed 6-8 weeks on cycle. First time desoxymethyltestosterone users should only run 15mg per day, for 4 weeks maximum, to assess side effects.
Madol is extremely potent and fast acting, the half-life is only 8 hours. It is extremely strong at even a low doses, so sometimes longer periods between doses is needed.
This is a hybrid oral, injectable cycle that's based on desoxymethyltestosterone and trenbolone:
Week | Madol | Trenbolone Acetate |
Cardarine | N2Guard | Proviron |
1 | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 20mgs/ED |
2 | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 20mgs/ED |
3 | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 20mgs/ED |
4 | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 20mgs/ED |
5 | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 20mgs/ED |
6 | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 20mgs/ED |
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