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Equipoise Bulk with Geneza Pharma

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Welcome to another great episode of Evolutionary.org Underground.  In this episode #29, Steve and Mobster go over how to do an Equipoise Bulk with Geneza Pharma.  This is a fun episode where they go over why you should be using the GP brand, the history of EQ, bulking, how to dose EQ and cycle it properly, diet and training, side effects, and much more.  If you have ever considered doing a bulking stack with equipoise you won't want to miss this episode!

Why Geneza Pharma Equipoise

Geneza Pharma (GP brand) is one of the top-selling brands in the world. It is used by many professional bodybuilders as well as gym rats who are trying to improve their physique. Steve talks about why he loves this brand so much and trusts them. He says that their products have been anonymously tested and shown to be exactly what they claim they are and dosed properly. He also says that the products are competitively priced and affordable no matter what your budget is. There is nothing worse than spending money on a steroid cycle only to find out that the gear that you are using is fake. You won't have to worry about that with GP.

Mobster says what he loves about GP is that they have everything that you need and it is a one-stop shop. He says that he trusts them during his bulking cycles because he knows exactly what he is getting.

History of EQ

Steve starts this segment by going over the history of Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate). He says that it was developed by CIBA to be a longer-acting injectable version of Dianabol. Although it was originally used to help with muscle wasting and anemia in humans, it is now a veterinary steroid. You can now purchase it in some vet shops around the world. Places like Australia sell it in 50 milligrams per milliliter vials at their veterinary shops and it is also used with race horses to make them faster and stronger.

Mobster says that today Equipoise is sold by labs such as Geneza Pharma and it is not an expensive steroid at all. It is less expensive than using testosterone in many cases.

On paper, Equipoise is very similar to Dianabol except in an injectable form. But in reality, you won't get the same types of effects, and equipoise is considered more mild in some ways.  This is why equipoise is used in large amounts by professional bodybuilders.

Bulking on EQ

The guys say that there are several reasons why Equipoise makes an excellent bulking steroid. The first is that it won't mess with your appetite negatively, in fact with many guys it will increase it in a mild form where you won't be craving carbs or other sugars. Another reason it is a great bulker is its ability to increase protein synthesis and also bring it to the body which takes down the barrier to more muscle growth.  It also does a good job of not giving you too many side effects where you won't be able to sleep at night, since when you sleep at night is when you grow.

Another advantage is that it doesn't give you painful pumps or make you dehydrated like other bulking steroids will do, so you can train more hard in the gym and not worry.   Professional bodybuilders love equipoise for all these reasons and it's one of the most popular steroids used in the sport.

How to dose and cycle EQ

Steve says that many professional bodybuilders will use equipoise in extremely high amounts due to its mild nature and the benefits that it gives them.  He has seen the proof in chemical reports after bodybuilder deaths that some of these guys are using 2000 to 3000 mg per week in conjunction with other steroids.

We want to do this the safe route so we never want to overdose on steroids and the recommended dosage of equipoise is going to be only between 300 to 600 milligrams per week for an average gym rat.

Mobster says that his favorite thing to stack with equipoise would be Dianabol. He says that 30 milligrams a day of Dianabol stacked with around four to five hundred milligrams of equipoise is an excellent stack.

Steve says another popular option is stacking Testosterone between 100 and 500 mg a week. He also says that if you are stacking Dianabol or testosterone it's important to at least have an aromatase inhibitor such as aromasin or Arimidex on hand.

GP has an excellent Equipoise option called GP Bold300, which is 300mgs/ml. This means fewer injections and less frequent. Steve says you can get away with injecting equipoise once every two weeks even if you wanted to, although most people will do sit once or twice a week.

Max length of the cycle should be 12 weeks if you want to recover properly, however, some will push it even longer up to 20 weeks.


Diet and training during an EQ bulk

The guys agree that it's important to eat muscle-building foods while on cycle. You should be staying away from fast food, restaurant food, and processed foods. High-quality produce and protein choices are going to be very important to get the most out of your cycle. Steve says an example of a high-quality dinner would be grass-fed beef or hormone-free chicken or fish with sweet potatoes or brown rice with broccoli or spinach.

Mobster says that he would follow more of a compound lifting protocol while in a bulk but you can also add isolation lifting as well. He likes to stick with between 5 and 7 repetitions per set.

Side effects to watch out for

Like all anabolic steroids, Equipoise is going to become suppressive. The longer you stay on it, the more you will get shut down, so it's important to run a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) with it. If you run it standalone you won't have to worry much about any estrogen problems or androgenic problems, but if you do stack it, then it's important to have all your ancillaries on hand. You should always run your support supplements when you use them. Finally, Mobster says it is detectable in your system for a long time, so if you are a tested athlete you need to be careful in that situation.


Forums on our forums? read on:

I’m in the middle of a recomp/cutting stack 220 pounds and 6 foot 25 years old 14% body fat what do you guys think Read More..........

So a bit about me first 5'9 180 lb and I am 28 years old I spend 5 years in the military and then was dishonorably discharged for breaking some Read More.........

Check out my current anavar and equipoise cycle 30mgs a day of anavar 600mgs a week equipoise Read More..........

The plan: 500mg of equipoise 300 mg of Trenbolone 12 weeks My options are also adding in orals if you think that would help Read More..........

I was very happy with my results using geneza pharma. It has been several weeks since i came off and I'm currently in PCT. I'm still actually putting on strength Read More..........


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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