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Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss the sarm Anabolicum (LGD-4033) doses, cycles, benefits and its side Effects
• We discuss whether or not it still is or was the strongest sarm?
• What it's used for
• How effective it was at adding muscle and losing fat even on castrated male rats and even female rats in studies
• The lack of side effects sarms have when compared to AAS
• Do you need to do a mini or full PCT when you've run LGD?
• We talk about when it first came out why it was heavily faked and other sarms scams
• The best ways to dose it and the importance we feel there is to sticking to optimal dosing
• How to best run it – solo or as a part of a stack?

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For 1-on-1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up Stevesmi
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Please note we’re not doctors and the opinions are ours. It’s our view and is based on our experience and views on the topic. Our Podcasts are for informational purposes and entertainment only. The Freedom of speech and 1st amendment applies. 496 - SARMS - Anabolicum (LGD-4033) #evolutionaryorg #Anabolicum #Sarms
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) August 30, 2022