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In episode 112 we discussed Bolo Yeung– in this episode hosts Stevesmi and Mobster talk about one of his contemporaries and friend Bruce Lee. Actor, Martial Artist and former competitive bodybuilder there’s plenty to learn from his skill set
In the podcast we discuss:
• His on screen and off screen persona
• His very long and busy screen career
• How he excelled at three disciplines
• How we think his steroid cycle would have been and a version for fighters today.
• How many young and troubled athletes have benefited from the discipline of the fighting arts.
• Finally how, like many martial artists, staying light, limber and healthy is good for a long life.
Did you know that Bolo’s real name was Yang Sze? He changed it after his popular performance in the movie ‘Enter the Dragon’ alongside Bruce Lee. Also, him and Lee were best buddies off screen and Bolo was offended when Lee was featured in the Tarantino movie ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’ as an arrogant and cocky young stunt/actor. We discuss these fun topics and more in this episode.

Evo link to what we think Bolo’s steroid cycle would have been:
Forum links
The forum discussion of his cycle:
We come up with a cycle for a MMA fighter
What cycle would a Muay Thai fighter use?
A link to fighting scenes video clips of Bolo from various movies Hardcore #112 – Bolo Yeung Steroid Cycle #evolutionarypodcast #steroids #boloyeung #BruceLee #evolutionaryorg
— (@evolutionaryorg) October 27, 2020