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Evolutionary radio presents another exciting podcast. Host Stevesmi is joined by co-host Rick . Totally raw and unfiltered, this time they answer all questions sent in by you guys and gals. They cover a bunch of topics on steroids, diet, working out, and relationships:
1. low test after 2 years stopping steroids and no pct. - Can this be fixed or not?
2. best way to use tren to bulk up - Is tren a good bulker in the first place?
3. Do you have to be rich to use steroids? How much does it cost?
4. best oral to kickstart a Test/EQ cycle. - Is this even necessary?
5. how much water per day do we really need? do we really need half a gallon?

Learn about trenbolone
discuss how much steroids cost Podcast #375–Low Testosterone after cycle, Trenbolone bulking, Best Oral kick #evolutionaryorg #testosterone #trenbolone #bulking #oralkick
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) March 3, 2021