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Evolutionary radio presents another exciting podcast. Host Stevesmi is joined by co-host Rick . Totally raw and unfiltered, this time they answer all questions sent in by you guys and gals. They cover a bunch of topics on steroids, diet, working out, and relationships:
1. Is planning 1 or 2 cycles then quitting forever realistic? The guys go over the likelihood of a person quitting steroids after trying them
2. Why do steroids cause me lethargy - Is this a simple fix?
3. Am I okay donating blood while on sarms or steroids? The guys debate the merits of donating bloods
4. Why don't you guys talk about peptides?

learn more about lethargy on steroids
discuss peptides
for 1 on 1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up stevesmi
to follow along with RickyV
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Evolutionary Radio Episode #411 Can You Quit After Two Steroid Cycles And Peptide Information. #evolutionaryorg #Steroid #Peptide
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) August 7, 2021