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Fake Geneza website and bootleg steroids, buyer beware – Underground Steroids

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Right now scammers are everywhere and on every continent in the world trying to get your money. In some cases it is organized crime or it could be 1 person in a shack in a poor country trying to make some extra bucks by ripping you off. In this episode of Evolutionary.org Underground Episode #8, SteveSmi and Ricky V Rock discuss how to avoid getting cheated when purchasing steroids on the black market.

Fake products

What is a fake product first off? There are several ways to look at it.

One instance is when you order steroids that are purposely underdosed. What if you order a 10ML vial of steroids, which are supposed to be 250mg/ml, but they are full of fake oils where you are only getting 100mgs/ml of actual steroid.

Most labs out there are fake and they just throw in a label on there to make it look fancy. Rick
recommends a testing kit, although even those will not tell you how much of the actual steroid is present. Rick recommends using a legitimate lab like Geneza Pharma and Dragon Pharma which we know are real and we can check the label to cross-check that it is the real thing.

Check out the most underground podcast in the world, nobody talks about this stuff! Listen to Stevesmi and Ricky V Rock go over steroid topics. In this episode they talk about their love for various steroids, ancillaries, and orals. Read more..

Another interesting tip that Rick mentions, is to watch out for sources that are always fully in stock. A real source will sell out and will need to bring in more products vs. always having a product in stock.

Steve follows up by saying even those testing kits can be inaccurate because of user error or the tests simply being off themselves. A tip is getting bloodwork done which can do a good job of confirming if you are even using steroids by what you see in them. He says that it is most important to pick a legit source AND brand for this reason that you trust.

Organized scamming

Steve gets into his concerns with organized scamming online and how they target people. One of the ways is via fake emails where they can get your information to steal your identity and/or drain your accounts. He says he has seen plenty of complaints the past few years of those using email sources who get hacked, and then you end up either having your money stolen that way, or you can end up sending your money to the wrong person.

This is why email sources are a very bad idea, you should always stick to legit source websites and make sure you type in the link correctly. Even better go to the evolutionary.org forum and click the actual
banner and/or contact a trusted moderator who can lead you the right direction.

Another tip that Steve says is when you use a source for the first time don't spend a lot of money on your orders, break them up and order a little at a time, so if something goes wrong it isn't the end of the world. Also, make sure you use a source that works with you in case a package is lost or stolen in the mail.

Rick finishes up the topic by saying you should seek reviews that are updated to the present, not based on what happened 5 years ago. That source website could have been taken over by dishonest folks.

Facebook and social media steroid scams


Rick says he gets messaged daily from people wanting to sell him steroids on Facebook and other social media. He says this is a scam. The profiles that are hitting him up are obvious fakes using copy/pasted pictures and pretending to be a bodybuilder who you want to look like. They also will have pictures and videos of steroids which are doctored. Rick says this is a scam and you should never respond to any messages from social media wanting to sell you steroids. Any legit source will wait for you to reach out to them.

Steve says there are a lot of naive people out there who are so desperate to acquire steroids that they will take the chance and send some person on Facebook money. The issue becomes, once you send a scammer some money, they will take further advantage of you and try to take all your money and will use any means necessary.

Forum memberships

Rick encourages everyone to get forum membership to evolutionary.org to join a nice community. It's completely free and you aren't being tracked like you would be on social media which is easily hacked. They are hosted overseas, you aren't being followed around, and you are anonymous.

People on forums are like you, they don't want to get scammed. They want to look their very best and excel at this lifestyle too.

Steve mentions that the forums are a great way to stay up to date on things, even if you took years off of steroids, because there is so much that changes year by year and month by month. He says doing a log, by starting a forum thread, can keep you honest with yourself.

Steve concludes his thought by saying he avoids social media and discussing this stuff in person
because there is TMI (too much information) out there, and most of it is noise from people who are morons who are just trying to scam you. Many of these fitness influencers are ex-cons themselves who have histories of cheating and lying to people. He prefers to just stick to the forums where he can share his knowledge, keep things factual, and where cheaters and scammers are banned via a zero-tolerance policy.

Paying with bitcoin

Bitcoin can be funded in many different ways and is turning into the preferred way to buy steroids due to its ease of use.


Evolutionary radio presents the Evolutionary.org podcast with your host Steve Smi and his co-host Rick. This is the only podcast that dives into the toughest steroid, supplement and diet questions. Unfiltered, raw and original. We don't allow cookie cutter information here. Read more..

Steve talks about how you can google 'evolutionary.org how to use bitcoins to order steroids' you will find a thread that he came up with that is a simple guide on how to order steroids with bitcoins. So if you have never done it, there is no reason to be scared of using it, because it is very easy to learn.

Gone are the days when you had to deal with the nasty people at Western Union or Moneygram. With
bitcoins you aren't dealing with anyone, it is all done on your computer and hassle-free.


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I’ve been running 10mg of lgd for 3 weeks and 20mg of ostarine for 2 weeks but need to come off for blood work Next week. Read more..

I had a question about GP geneza pharma anavar oxandrolone. you hear so many stories about the stuff being faked and overpriced. Read more..


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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