Hey what's man sorry for sending you this but I know you have a lot more expirencence than me on gear. But it's never bad for more new things to learn & gets different views & opinions. Right now I finished my cycle of 10 weeks of test e 600 mg, I'm hoping on my pcts next week with Clen to cut down in bf%. Right now I am 6' 250 with 19% bf. I want to get under 10% and after I want to get gain a lot of mass. I have heard a lot of doing dbol w/ test or tbol w/test or even tren e w/ test. What would you suggest. I have done 4 cycles before 3 with test e 600 mg/wk & 1 with tren e & test e, I did 600 mg/wk both. I know people said that tren is a very powerful drug but I took my safety precautions & it went smooth, I gained a lot of strength and some size, but I was already a big dude, I was more on the powerlifting side but now I wanna power bodybuild.. But if you were able to help me out with some guidance that would be awesome, thanks bro..