Hey Rick, thanks for the reply. I'm about 2 weeks into a cycle of 500mg test , 400mg masteron / week and 2-3 iu GH. 25mg of proviron and .5 adex / day. Honestly, I'm very happy with the results already.! This is definitely 1/2 of what I would have run in the past , I probably would have added a 3rd compound like EQ or anavar too. The gains are solid and dry, I have definitely dropped at least a couple % body fat and the sides are very manageable. It is definitely nice not to be sweating all night and super wound up and aggressive all the time! This is the first cycle I have run in years so I'm sure that is a big part of it but right now I am very happy with the results and I'm not looking to put on 20lbs of water anyway.
Thanks for the input man!