If your training and diet is correct then id reccommend 500mg/test for for cycle. This is the most common first cycle among people i know , and will get great gains
Good luck with dbol and running lol. I can run a good 5 miles , but when on dbol i go down to like 1/2 mile cause the pumps are so intense. Id never reccommend an oral for a runner. Better off with test or eq or even mast
Iv3 never found anything to really help other than trt dose test. Anything higher and i get insane calf pumps. I train muay thai and boxing. And both are nill when i run aas. Ive tried low dose eq 300/w , tried var at only 10mg/d , dbol 10mg/day , all orals give calf pumps for me. And i didnt...
Without goig thru posts. My question is are you allowing proper recovery time between sessions. Recovery will slow drastically when off cycle. Just a thought
No doubt. Everyone looks happy with hipo so far. Im sure ill be happy as well. Been out of tren for 5 days now, was hopeing to not interupt my cycle. But thats my fault for waiting till last second to order. But $ dictates that for me. Hopefully monday. :)
No. Whats happening? First half of order came in 5 days. Second half is 16 and still count8ng. I understand international shipping im not talking down on hipo and services provided by any means. Just frustrated. Lol.
Just for shits and giggles i rechecked email. Payment was friday and shipped same day. So that would have been only 5 days. Mind you its only half the order but nonetheless ive had domestic take longer. But dammit i need my tren , hippo. Lol. Jk. Good job
Got my first pack of two yesterday. I believe that was like 7 days. Very good for international. Unfortunately the product i need most is in second pack which hasnt arrived yet. :( im sure will be soon enough tho. Obviously i cant review yet but will soon. Tren a , and halo for preworkout.
Yep. Sterile abccess , i had this few months back. I actually pulled at least 3cc pus out via syringe. But just left it alone for last few months. Pineed there today and gtg. Nothing. Just to much oil in the excact same place. Mine was ventro
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