Great start, and great info. You definitely seem to be pretty strong for a guy who is a natural. I also like your protein and fat intake. That's really good. Keep away from the junk. You are starting off on the right foot.
bros great choice using para pharma
Also, great choice and getting along Journal up and going. We will be able to help you and push you along. I'm your biggest cheerleader. LOL.
Your goal is to increase muscle mass and overall size, typically by consuming a surplus of calories and engaging in strength training exercises .. well-structured bulking diet and exercise plan
Your goal is to increase muscle mass and overall size, typically by consuming a surplus of calories and engaging in strength training exercises .. well-structured bulking diet and exercise plan
Right now I'm cutting, trying to drop 10-15lbs of fat over the next 8-10 weeks. Thus the 500 calorie/day deficit and increasing steps 2-5k/day. After this cut and an 8 week maintenance phase I will be running more of a strength phase in a very slight surplus (200ish calories per day) where I will be focusing on some strength goals I want to hit in January by my 45th birthday. That cycle will be 12 weeks and I'll start another log for it. Plan then is 200mg/week npp and 400mg test/week with injections eod. I'll be adding 25mg proviron per day as well. I also ordered 100-50mg anadrol that I will use for the 1st 6 weeks of that cycle. Clearly I still want to lose bodyfat but after a year long cut to lose 100lbs I have worked hard to put on ~30lbs of muscle this year and get my maintenance calories back up to 3,000 and I'm not going to run long cuts that get me down below 2000 calories per day and wreck my metabolism. I'm going to cycle fairly aggressive cuts and strength/mild bulk phases until I get where I want to be. I'm in no rush and don't need to get extreme like I did last year.
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