Hey all,
This will be my 1st log ever, sorry for my language. English is not main language
Diet i use is :
P- 222g.
C- 214g.
F- 85g.
My macros are about 2500-2700 Kcal.
So i am 35, 178cm and this week 97kg i lost for now about 12kg in last 6 months. And now i whant turn second gear and make some muscle and try cycle.
I train regularly 4 days a week:
M- Chest/biceps
T – Back/triceps
W – Off
T – Legs
F – Shouders
S- Off
S – Off
And now about cycle : Cycle when i thinking start is after 2 weeks.
Test e - 500mg -week
Npp - 200mg - week
Anavar first week start 40mg, second week 50mg and all cycle take 50mg and last week drop again 40mg.
Arimidex - 2mg week in days when i make injcestion test and npp.
All cycle will be 10weeks. After PCT :
Clomid and HCG.
This will be my 1st log ever, sorry for my language. English is not main language
Diet i use is :
P- 222g.
C- 214g.
F- 85g.
My macros are about 2500-2700 Kcal.
So i am 35, 178cm and this week 97kg i lost for now about 12kg in last 6 months. And now i whant turn second gear and make some muscle and try cycle.
I train regularly 4 days a week:
M- Chest/biceps
T – Back/triceps
W – Off
T – Legs
F – Shouders
S- Off
S – Off
And now about cycle : Cycle when i thinking start is after 2 weeks.
Test e - 500mg -week
Npp - 200mg - week
Anavar first week start 40mg, second week 50mg and all cycle take 50mg and last week drop again 40mg.
Arimidex - 2mg week in days when i make injcestion test and npp.
All cycle will be 10weeks. After PCT :
Clomid and HCG.