Evening all,
Previously logged training and food working towards this cycle. Finally got a clear runway to really hook in
Age: 34
Height: 183cm
Weight: 86.5kg
Bf: 18 -22 %
Experience: 16 years lifting
Previous cycles: epistane solo, hdrol solo and a range of sarm stacks.
Food: 2800 - 3000 cals
Got bloods done a week before commencing cycle. Everything looks okay ( in healthy ranges)
Testosterone: 21.9 nmol/L
SHBG: 47 nmol/L
Free test: 381 pmol/L
E2: 105 pmol/L
Cycle: Test Ethanate
Week 1-4 250mg test ethenate
Will get bloods done at end of week 4
Week 5 - 12 500mg test ethanate
Week 13 - 16 500mg test ethanate (undecided I'f I go for 16weeks)
Arimidex on hand if required
On Cycle support:
Prostate complex
arimistane (maybe)
Week 1 -
Kicked off last week 1st pin on Wednesday 2nd pin Saturday. no issues at all and 0 PIP. As far as training goes working out 5 days a week generally split into:
Monday: upper push
Tuesday: lower (quads)
Wednesday: Shoulders & arms
Thursday: upper pull
Friday: lower (hamstrings)
Can't always hit in this order due to young kids but generally 5 days a week.
Will continue to log training, food and how im feeling on cycle . Would be great to get some input and feedback along the journey. Everyone always supportive on these threads
Previously logged training and food working towards this cycle. Finally got a clear runway to really hook in
Age: 34
Height: 183cm
Weight: 86.5kg
Bf: 18 -22 %
Experience: 16 years lifting
Previous cycles: epistane solo, hdrol solo and a range of sarm stacks.
Food: 2800 - 3000 cals
Got bloods done a week before commencing cycle. Everything looks okay ( in healthy ranges)
Testosterone: 21.9 nmol/L
SHBG: 47 nmol/L
Free test: 381 pmol/L
E2: 105 pmol/L
Cycle: Test Ethanate
Week 1-4 250mg test ethenate
Will get bloods done at end of week 4
Week 5 - 12 500mg test ethanate
Week 13 - 16 500mg test ethanate (undecided I'f I go for 16weeks)
Arimidex on hand if required
On Cycle support:
Prostate complex
arimistane (maybe)
Week 1 -
Kicked off last week 1st pin on Wednesday 2nd pin Saturday. no issues at all and 0 PIP. As far as training goes working out 5 days a week generally split into:
Monday: upper push
Tuesday: lower (quads)
Wednesday: Shoulders & arms
Thursday: upper pull
Friday: lower (hamstrings)
Can't always hit in this order due to young kids but generally 5 days a week.
Will continue to log training, food and how im feeling on cycle . Would be great to get some input and feedback along the journey. Everyone always supportive on these threads