I am 19 yr old guy ps( i know i am too young , i know test should be the base of any cycle but i want to go really mild) ,i am low on self esteem , depressed but still lifting everyday , i was 105kgs (230lbs) at one point of time , i am 78 kg rn (172lbs), i want to cut down a bit and get a bit hardened physique to look good , not for others but to increase my self esteem and feel good about myself , at the same time i am a model so i need to have a great physique , i am going to run this cycle anyway so if any of you could help me with it and give feedback regarding the cycle then thanks a lot.
bf- 17%(will be cutting down to 14 before i start my cycle)
muscle mass- 81lbs
cycle and dosage-
week1-4 anavar- 20mgs
week 3 and 4 clen- starting at 20mcgs going upto 80 and tapering down
pct - nolva the next day after my last anavar pill at 20mgs for 3-4 weeks
bf- 17%(will be cutting down to 14 before i start my cycle)
muscle mass- 81lbs
cycle and dosage-
week1-4 anavar- 20mgs
week 3 and 4 clen- starting at 20mcgs going upto 80 and tapering down
pct - nolva the next day after my last anavar pill at 20mgs for 3-4 weeks