Last time I went off gear was 5 years ago to have a kid. Been running blasting and cruising for 10 years. I will keep you posted about dosage changes and eventual bloodwork; possibly fertility updates if that is of any interest.
7 days off gear.
50 mg enclomiphene daily
40 mg Nolvadex daily
1000 IU HCG every other day
Unrelated supps, 8 IU HGH daily small dose Humalog pre and post workout.
Currently 6’3” 244 lbs, coming off a previous prep so still fairly lean.
@Csjcbson this is going to be VERY interesting
I followed your other thread
I think a guy your level knows that DIET and Training is key to recovery.
We are talking, high omega 3, high fiber, higher saturated fat (testosterone building), along with natural testosterone boosters.
It would be great to see
Diet Training
diet, as you go share your meals and foods and when you eat them
training, share your training sets and exercises and weights if you can (see how strong/weak you getting)
please share this
seen your impressive pic
For those who havent seen,
@Csjcbson looks amazing, great body, tight mass, lean and impressive as a bodybuilder, true stage physique
you look amazing in 1 word
but as you go in this recovery, please share weekly pics so we can see how soft/hard strong etc you're getting
supplements and PCT gear
- tamoxifen, you would need a higher kick at around 60mgs for 3 weeks before pyramiding down to 40mgs for 3 weeks and 20mgs for 3 weeks
- enclomiphene, you'll need to switch from 50mgs to 25mgs as you go
- HCG, 1000 IUs eod is too much, HCG Is highly estrogenic, you should use 1000 IUs EOD for 2 weeks ONLY, followed by 500 IUs EOD
- natural test booster, I suggest HCGenerate (former n2generate) , they are proven for recovery in steroid cycles, and they support the EVO family, kick start with 5 caps ed for 4 weeks, and 3 caps per day for the following 6 weeks
HGH and insulin use
Humalog might hinder recovery at higher doses due to insulin spike, what level are you at IUs?
HGH, you can stay at 8IUs but how long you've been on this dose?
Overall hot log bro
I'm happy you share and I want to more info from you and more sharing as you go
for new guys reading, this is how awesome
@Csjcbson looks