chobani with an extra scoop of whey I like that onePre workout meal
Muslie, chobani high protein yoghurt, blueberries
Preworkout: 5 grams creatine, 5 grams magnesium citrate, oxyshred proton plasma (can)
Workout: ARMS
SET 1: triceps pushdowns - 10x4 35kgs
Set 2: forearm curls - 10x4 20kg dumbbells
Set 3: overhead triceps extensions 10x4 40kgs
Set 4: wrist curls 15kgs 7 sets 25 reps
Set 5: single arm cable triceps pushdowns 15kgs 20x4
Set 6: triceps rope pushdowns 30kgs drop setted with standing forearm curls 15kg dumbbels 20 reps each (till failure really)
Cardio: 30 mins stair master

rope push downs my fav, you can do overheads too with them