Below is a screenshot of blood tests before and after a 6 week test e 300mg cycle, the elevated prolactin beforehand I'm assuming was due to mental health medication I was coming off. I was on priadel lithium @ 1200mg, 6mg diazepam, 300mg veneflaxine, 150mg biquelle XL. I then took several months to come off this due to the fact they was only pumping everything up and then decided I'd try TRT, unfortunately due to me been an idiot I jumped straight into a 300mg cycle. Didn't have an AI or SERM on hand and the bloods show, I have ordered aromasin and nolvadex. Any advice on next steps and how to reduce/minimize gyno damage and other repercussions. Thanks in advance
Sorry, the blood test with good parameters was taken prior to starting the cycle, beginning of November and the one with poor numbers was taken 6 weeks into the cycle in december. I have not currently stopped, I have reduced to 0.2ml the past 2 injections and had intended on weaning myself down till my vial has gone. That is atleast what the hormone Dr has recommended. I have ordered more test (e) 300mg, nolvadex and aromasin as I wasn't sure whether quitting cold turkey would do more damage than weaning off.
Also I may not be looking very well but can someone direct me towards information where I can read and learn about bloodwork and how to improve in future
Just concerned with those readings at the dose I was on, would starting my aromasin and nolvadex now at 12.5/40 ED decreasing to EOD once E2 and prolactin have lowered be the right thing?. Ultimately I started this as I wanted off the anti-depressants and clearly jumped the gun on dosage but if I lowered the dose of Test(e) and lowered E2 and prolactin with the AI and SERM to within "normal" ranges then cruised on the lower dose (100mg) till I wanted to blast in future I would have the knowledge that an AI and potentially SERM would be needed from the beginning. Or would a blast and cruise TRT protocol not be advisable? It is difficult to find information on google
Apologies for not been clear, I have been referred to a specialist HRT consultant upon request from my GP. In the time frame between seeing the GP to the endocrinologist, upon poor judgement I self medicated due to a decline in mental health and assuming Testosterone would be my saving grace. Today I had my appointment and they advised me to come off the self medicated Testosterone, slowly. Wait for approximately 2-3months before going back to them for having my bloodwork re-assesed under their practice.
It was basically me been an idiot on a number of levels, not only did I self medicate, I raised the administered dosage from 150mg -> 300mg without having bloodwork done and I also raised it without any AI or SERM on hand to tackle any problems, to no ones surprise did occur.
I will be following the Dr's advice but my concern is that, if I come off and have tests with them and they decide my levels are within optimal ranges and will not assist me as mental health is not warrant enough to start TRT without the issues within sexual health and/or libido. I ultimately fear I'll be left to decline in future, which is where I would like the guidance and knowledge if a blast and cruise TRT protocol is ludicrous or reckless.
Granted it is not all for my mental wellbeing as I do want to also do it for vanity sake as working out is a integral part of my life.
If I can provide any more information or haven't made myself clear please let me know
I understand TRT is typically a lifetime thing and am fully committed to that fact. It has been my intention for years as I have pushed a number of Dr's about this, I am 32.
I spent the majority of my life on some form of mental health medication, during that time frame I have conducted a number or experiments to see how I faired been on and off certain medications. Albeit I never once had bloodwork done prior to starting testosterone. I had spent periods of time on no medication and suffered but had no idea about TRT at the time so did not conduct a blood test. I have for years had blood tests done due to medications I was on but I am completely unaware of what they was testing for and how the results faired.
@onebaldwonder first welcome to our EVO family, happy to have you sharing these bloods, they are concerning but we will come back to that.
The EVO family is an open no judgement zone, you can truly get advice here. We all struggled with addiction or mental health issues at some point. Lets face it, its a steroid forum guys injecting steroids to get big, so minimum we have body dysmorphia and maximum to the sky right.
I read your posts but I'm really not clear about your whole situation to be honest. What we need is for you to share with us a lot more info so we can understand you better. how can you share? thats easy 15min of your time, start a NEW thread with your current TRT log journal, add your training diet history sleep supps and bloods and more about yourself and we can guide you in a big LOG thread as a big family
how to start a LOG fast? easy here you go
To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us in a NEW thread, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.
We have 100s of years of experience between us,
you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
Please post a Log Journal asap for us
Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT, you see: +POST THREAD
click that
in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My TRT cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle
here are examples of LOG Journals
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