Hey guys, here’s the plan for the next 16 weeks, thought I would post some stats and that to get the ball rolling, photos and more information to come as we go.. very busy at this point in life! But here’s a bit about me.
I’m 28, 183cm - 6’0ft
117kg fasted
Training for 15 years
Competed as a bodybuilder for 8
Body fat: unknown. Around 12%-14% somewhere here. Currently off season.
Always been a bigger kid, strong naturally and more of a powerlifting frame when I first started. Started doing powerlifting and was hitting big numbers as a teen, 140kg bench press, 180kg deadlift and 160kg squat. Got into bodybuilding as my dad was also a competitive bodybuilder so naturally I was drawn to it. Won my class in my first comp as a natural In a local ifbb show, my two shows after was a disaster as I had no coach, from about 2019 onwards I started to place well in shows from 1st - 3rd as my body changed rapidly through out these periods and competed from classic physique to bodybuilding. Now I’m focused going into classic physique maximising my weight cap, or potential move on to super heavys, would love a pro card as a classic physique competitor as my physique suits this. You can see my look in my profile pic, I’ll post my competing photos once I blurred my face out.
Currently started Health Science in Medicine and dietetics to become and Dietitian. My background in nutrition and it’s science has helped me and others in bodybuilding and their weight loss/ muscle gain journey. Currently learning more about females and their own endocrine system and how to leverage this for favourable outcomes.
Have an extensive knowledge in both PEDS and It’s pharmacology, always willing to learn and hear new ideas about it. Can never stop learning.
Here’s the plan for the next 4 weeks.. I’ll be updated this log weekly. Will post progress and training as much as I can, this will also be on my socials.
I have already started my cycle and plan, but let’s say I’m starting from today, will extend the plan by 4 more weeks.
My goal is to continue lean muscle gain with some fat loss. How can I do it?? Well you will all find out… I’ll deepdive into these topics in future posts, but this is the current basis of what I am working off.
Weeks 1-4
Days 1,2,4,5 - Low carb
Days 3,6 - High Carb
Day 7, low calorie
Low carb day
Total calories 3320
P: 295g
C: 400g
F: 60g
High Carb day
Total Calories 4100
P: 260g
C: 630g
F: 60g
Low calorie day
Total Calories 2860
I will also post my food and nutrition in upcoming posts. But that is the basis of my macros. I’ll deep dive into nutrition more as we go. Remember these macros are for me and focused around my training, body composition and PEDs, and will not work for everyone.
My training is based around Sarcoplasmic workouts, forcing lots of nutrients and blood within the muscles, super sets, giant sets. My first two exercises are normally build up sets to my top sets EG: flat db press, working up to 70kg db top set of 10 with no reps in reserve. Next excersise after that I go straight into 1 warm up set and then top sets as my body has been exposed to weight. Then into the super and giant sets.. will post more about my training regime and videos in up coming posts.
Now the fun stuff
Remember this is my cycle for my body which is linked to my training, biochemistry and nutrition.
Weeks 1-4 ( this has been ramped up since TRT 8 weeks ago and moved up since 4 weeks ago.
Current cycle:
500mg test E
400mg Mast E
300mg primo E
Fast acting insulin (novorapid)
Slow acting Insulin (lantus)
Again I’ll deepdive more into this and how these all correlate to each other, I may do a video to explain as it can get lengthy. Let me know if you all would like a video on this.
Will get some photos up. Will take some in the morning fasted.
Any questions, fire away, happy to awnser and hopefully this log can help you all aswell!
I’m 28, 183cm - 6’0ft
117kg fasted
Training for 15 years
Competed as a bodybuilder for 8
Body fat: unknown. Around 12%-14% somewhere here. Currently off season.
Always been a bigger kid, strong naturally and more of a powerlifting frame when I first started. Started doing powerlifting and was hitting big numbers as a teen, 140kg bench press, 180kg deadlift and 160kg squat. Got into bodybuilding as my dad was also a competitive bodybuilder so naturally I was drawn to it. Won my class in my first comp as a natural In a local ifbb show, my two shows after was a disaster as I had no coach, from about 2019 onwards I started to place well in shows from 1st - 3rd as my body changed rapidly through out these periods and competed from classic physique to bodybuilding. Now I’m focused going into classic physique maximising my weight cap, or potential move on to super heavys, would love a pro card as a classic physique competitor as my physique suits this. You can see my look in my profile pic, I’ll post my competing photos once I blurred my face out.
Currently started Health Science in Medicine and dietetics to become and Dietitian. My background in nutrition and it’s science has helped me and others in bodybuilding and their weight loss/ muscle gain journey. Currently learning more about females and their own endocrine system and how to leverage this for favourable outcomes.
Have an extensive knowledge in both PEDS and It’s pharmacology, always willing to learn and hear new ideas about it. Can never stop learning.
Here’s the plan for the next 4 weeks.. I’ll be updated this log weekly. Will post progress and training as much as I can, this will also be on my socials.
I have already started my cycle and plan, but let’s say I’m starting from today, will extend the plan by 4 more weeks.
My goal is to continue lean muscle gain with some fat loss. How can I do it?? Well you will all find out… I’ll deepdive into these topics in future posts, but this is the current basis of what I am working off.
Weeks 1-4
Days 1,2,4,5 - Low carb
Days 3,6 - High Carb
Day 7, low calorie
Low carb day
Total calories 3320
P: 295g
C: 400g
F: 60g
High Carb day
Total Calories 4100
P: 260g
C: 630g
F: 60g
Low calorie day
Total Calories 2860
I will also post my food and nutrition in upcoming posts. But that is the basis of my macros. I’ll deep dive into nutrition more as we go. Remember these macros are for me and focused around my training, body composition and PEDs, and will not work for everyone.
My training is based around Sarcoplasmic workouts, forcing lots of nutrients and blood within the muscles, super sets, giant sets. My first two exercises are normally build up sets to my top sets EG: flat db press, working up to 70kg db top set of 10 with no reps in reserve. Next excersise after that I go straight into 1 warm up set and then top sets as my body has been exposed to weight. Then into the super and giant sets.. will post more about my training regime and videos in up coming posts.
Now the fun stuff
Remember this is my cycle for my body which is linked to my training, biochemistry and nutrition.
Weeks 1-4 ( this has been ramped up since TRT 8 weeks ago and moved up since 4 weeks ago.
Current cycle:
500mg test E
400mg Mast E
300mg primo E
Fast acting insulin (novorapid)
Slow acting Insulin (lantus)
Again I’ll deepdive more into this and how these all correlate to each other, I may do a video to explain as it can get lengthy. Let me know if you all would like a video on this.
Will get some photos up. Will take some in the morning fasted.
Any questions, fire away, happy to awnser and hopefully this log can help you all aswell!