I have committed to a Masters 50 men’s physique show in October. This will be my sixth cycle. My coach finally told me this week, “you’re going to have to consider running something in your body if you want to compete against these guys.” Well, lol, I already have been running cycles.
Currently off cycle
TRT is 180 per week
I have cycled with TRT dose of test, primobolan, tren ace, eq, npp, tbol, var, winstrol, and mast. Obviously, these were split over 5 cycles depending on my goal. I always run proviron and GW on every cycle.
Current weight: 226
Stage weight is about 175
I have never exceeded 200mg of test as I just keep it at my TRT dose because I am acne prone.
I have been researching anadrol and superdrol. I see that many guys despise sdrol. Every video/podcast I watch/listen to seems to hate on superdrol. Where I struggle is how anadrol and superdrol differ.
Currently off cycle
TRT is 180 per week
I have cycled with TRT dose of test, primobolan, tren ace, eq, npp, tbol, var, winstrol, and mast. Obviously, these were split over 5 cycles depending on my goal. I always run proviron and GW on every cycle.
Current weight: 226
Stage weight is about 175
I have never exceeded 200mg of test as I just keep it at my TRT dose because I am acne prone.
I have been researching anadrol and superdrol. I see that many guys despise sdrol. Every video/podcast I watch/listen to seems to hate on superdrol. Where I struggle is how anadrol and superdrol differ.