Yo, awm! What’s good?!
I got these from my endo. Crazy thing is the compound pharmacy doubled shipped. So I ended up with 6 bottles of CJC/ipa instead of just 3. AND I wasn’t doubled charged lol. Good shit.
I had them in the closet for awhile and when 3 months passed I thought it might be better to stash them in the fridge. I checked up on them several weeks later in the fridge and they kinda clumped into these pucks. Not all of them, just these two. Thought maybe some humidity got in. So I stashed them in a jar with a bunch moisture packs. The ones that say “don’t not eat. I’ll still run these, maybe, even if they might have lost some potency
I’ve been using CJC/ipa for about 3 months. I see we’re all about logs now. My mother passed away 12/21 so all of 2022 was dealing with lawyers, probate, and shit like that. So I was a wreck. 2023 I got back on track, dropped 15lbs and started committing to the gym again.
I can’t tell if the CJC/ipa helped with weight loss as I’ve been intermittent fasting (16/8) the last 3 months. Surprisingly, I didn’t get too out of shape, just a bit of weight gain from the stress. Started a mild cycle of 300mg test just two weeks ago. And after a month I’ll get my labs done and might add in a low dose 10mg Var for 25 days from ZPHC. I’ve had this Var stashed the last two years. And according to the box, they only expired 9/22 so they’re still good. I need something to help with intensity in the gym given the hole in my soul. And Var works good for that, for me.
Hopefully I’ll have time be around the form more again.