Often, and I suspect we've all done this, we start with what looks like a awesomely planned training program. Back when magazines were a BIG deal you'd often follow an article they'd featured. Ditto, even now, seeing what a pro did and doing that. Over time that program, if not changed or swapped for another, becomes modified to the point where it USED TO make sense. Here's a few pointers, aimed at bodybuilders (and to a lesser degree lifters too) to keep you focused.
Targeting a muscle with an exercise
Let's pick chest / pecs. The 'rule's apply regardless of which muscle we're targeting. What part of your pecs needs work? Don't be doing cable flyes just cos EVERYONE does cable flyes for chest. Do them because you wanna focus work on the inner chest where the muscle affixes to the sternum. Remember also if you do use flyes you can adjust the angle. Upper pec can be hit with inclines (dumbbell, barbell, machine etc). Lower pec with decline and so on.
I'd start with including a compound as well as any kind of isolation (targeting a weak area). If the compound goes first you can argue you're working all the muscle. If the isolation exercise is primary then you're hitting the weak area while it's still fresh. If most of the pec, in this example, is decent enough, then I'd put my energy into the pre-exhausting of the 'weak' area.
Doing too many exercises
I can see any need to do more than 3 exercises for a muscle. If you're working your ass off I'm not sure you should even want to do more than 2. One way round this, if you must, is to do a compound/core movement every time and switch an isolation lift every time, as per the above example, you hit chest. The real reason most do 4-6 exercises for a muscle is they're not going all out and as hard as possible - basically they train with a low intensity. Which leads me to...
Train as HARD as possible!!
Let's keep with the pec workout. Taking the flyes first. Warm up LIGHT. Heck when I bench you'd see me using a broomstick then the empty bar. Do different speeds and even a little rotator cuff type movement. I'd do 3 sets (maybe 4) Set 1 I'd go with a rep range which works for you (for me that might be as low as 8 reps) at 60% of my max. Set 2, similar rep range, 70%. Then it's time to kick ass. 80% and as many god damn reps as I can. Now is the time to squeeze as hard as you can. IF you KNOW you didn't kill it then do that added set. MAYBE and it is a MAYBE do ONE high rep pump set to completely finish it off with 40%. The inner pec might feel like it's about to cramp up. Now you can rest for a moment. Sip your intra if you use one etc. Heck give that inner pec a massage and a little stretch.
Now the compound
Yep - bring up a flat bench press. Again dumbbell, barbell, machine etc can be used. Warm up doesn't need to be done to the same level as usual if it had been the first exercise because of the flyes but I'd still keep the opening set to a sensible level. Now, as a lifter, the more sets I do at a set percentage the better and more able I will be to hit my 1 rep max target. But for building muscle I wanna hit the point where I am as close as I can be to where the muscle refuses to contract. Again it can be argued that if you can do multiple work sets you're holding back.
Start recovering
Massage that chest well. Heck it should be hard to do so so get someone else to do it ha ha. Have a soak in a hot bath and be sure to eat well so as to help the muscle recover.
Key Pointers
Above all ensure that there are legitimate reasons why your training program is the way that it is. If you are working around an injury fine. If you're doing a ton of sets it's probably cos you like to and aren't putting out quite the effort truly required. It's ok to admit it - now fix it and truly train that muscle HARD. Make sure the same 'rules' apply to PEDs and nutrition. Every so often we need to evaluate whether we've gone off track or are still doing what needs to be done
Thus endeth the lesson
Targeting a muscle with an exercise
Let's pick chest / pecs. The 'rule's apply regardless of which muscle we're targeting. What part of your pecs needs work? Don't be doing cable flyes just cos EVERYONE does cable flyes for chest. Do them because you wanna focus work on the inner chest where the muscle affixes to the sternum. Remember also if you do use flyes you can adjust the angle. Upper pec can be hit with inclines (dumbbell, barbell, machine etc). Lower pec with decline and so on.
I'd start with including a compound as well as any kind of isolation (targeting a weak area). If the compound goes first you can argue you're working all the muscle. If the isolation exercise is primary then you're hitting the weak area while it's still fresh. If most of the pec, in this example, is decent enough, then I'd put my energy into the pre-exhausting of the 'weak' area.
Doing too many exercises
I can see any need to do more than 3 exercises for a muscle. If you're working your ass off I'm not sure you should even want to do more than 2. One way round this, if you must, is to do a compound/core movement every time and switch an isolation lift every time, as per the above example, you hit chest. The real reason most do 4-6 exercises for a muscle is they're not going all out and as hard as possible - basically they train with a low intensity. Which leads me to...
Train as HARD as possible!!
Let's keep with the pec workout. Taking the flyes first. Warm up LIGHT. Heck when I bench you'd see me using a broomstick then the empty bar. Do different speeds and even a little rotator cuff type movement. I'd do 3 sets (maybe 4) Set 1 I'd go with a rep range which works for you (for me that might be as low as 8 reps) at 60% of my max. Set 2, similar rep range, 70%. Then it's time to kick ass. 80% and as many god damn reps as I can. Now is the time to squeeze as hard as you can. IF you KNOW you didn't kill it then do that added set. MAYBE and it is a MAYBE do ONE high rep pump set to completely finish it off with 40%. The inner pec might feel like it's about to cramp up. Now you can rest for a moment. Sip your intra if you use one etc. Heck give that inner pec a massage and a little stretch.
Now the compound
Yep - bring up a flat bench press. Again dumbbell, barbell, machine etc can be used. Warm up doesn't need to be done to the same level as usual if it had been the first exercise because of the flyes but I'd still keep the opening set to a sensible level. Now, as a lifter, the more sets I do at a set percentage the better and more able I will be to hit my 1 rep max target. But for building muscle I wanna hit the point where I am as close as I can be to where the muscle refuses to contract. Again it can be argued that if you can do multiple work sets you're holding back.
Start recovering
Massage that chest well. Heck it should be hard to do so so get someone else to do it ha ha. Have a soak in a hot bath and be sure to eat well so as to help the muscle recover.
Key Pointers
Above all ensure that there are legitimate reasons why your training program is the way that it is. If you are working around an injury fine. If you're doing a ton of sets it's probably cos you like to and aren't putting out quite the effort truly required. It's ok to admit it - now fix it and truly train that muscle HARD. Make sure the same 'rules' apply to PEDs and nutrition. Every so often we need to evaluate whether we've gone off track or are still doing what needs to be done
Thus endeth the lesson