Hey guys running my first ever cycle test e 500mg. Pinning twice a week at 250mg each Monday and Thursday. I'm almost into my 3rd week no sides really got crazy libido, no anger issues feel great. At the start of week 2 I felt as if my chest was sore on the right side and I tried doing the squeeze test feeling for a lump which may of made the pain worse. I decided to run my AI at .25mg e3d but after one dose it made the chest sensation/pain go away but it made all my joints just be in agony I've sucked it up and kept training, it also made my appetite go away i was basically forcing food down my throat, it also took away a little bit of my libido but my mood was still great. (Did i crash my system?) by Thursday I pinned again and within half a day the joint pain had gone. I decided to stop running the arimidex for the moment but I feel as if my chest is starting to get sore again??
Could this just be my brain panicking about gyno or am I hyper sensitive to arimidex.
Could this just be my brain panicking about gyno or am I hyper sensitive to arimidex.
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