Good evening Evo brothers and sisters,
I saw one of the US sources posting something similar in the US section so I thought it would be a cool little way to get the discussions going in the Aussie section.
This is an AMA (Ask Me Anything). It can be anything related to products, what it's like being an Aussie based vendor or anything specific about our services and operations (within reason, obviously we can't disclose anything that would compromise our operational security or the likes), the Aus domestic steroid and training scene, or anything else you want to ask that you've never had the opportunity to in the past...
What's something you always wanted to ask a lab or other members of the Aussie community?
No question is a stupid question.... ask us
Hopefully some of the other awesome Aussie vendors are willing to contribute too...
@HybridLabs (Hybrid Labs)
@Genesis Labs (Genesis Labs)
@Evo Genetics (Evo Genetics)
@b.i.g. (Notorious Labs)
@Body_enhancements (Body Enhancements)
@AlphaLabs (Alpha Labs)
@Shelby Corp (Shelby Corp / Happy)
@package10 (Package10)
Plus all other members of the Aussie community.... let's get these discussions thriving