I'm 40 years old and I do CrossFit and I do weight training. I also do some yoga as well take some classes here and there
would like to get bigger and stronger. I'm 6'1 and I weigh around 193 pounds with some pudge around my waist
My friend hooked me up with winny, but not sure that would be a smart one to use for my goals. what do you suggest?
First: for what you say you goals are you need to change your workout routine. None of what you do will lead to bigger and stronger. Ditch all that, eat CLEAN and learn proper form compound movements with heavy weight. Deadlifts, squats, bench, etc. powerlifting stuff. If you want cardio and explosive power you can still get that, but do it in the form of plyometrics and other power lifting stuff like power cleans.
Second: you can get lean this way too, nothing burns more fat than simply HAVING MORE MUSCLE.
Third: youÂ’re at an age where proper recovery becomes even more important. Learn to recover. You donÂ’t build muscle in the gym you build muscle sleeping and recovering. And eating clean. DonÂ’t destroy your efforts by overtraining.
Fourth: if youÂ’re going to start using these types of compounds go get some blood tests done first, you have no idea what your baseline is right now. Who knows, you might be a TRT candidate right now and not even know it, knowing that will effect what supplements you use and how you use them and recover from cycles.
Fifth: learn your supplements and how to use them, learn proper cycles and PCT.
Sixth: SARMS are your friend. And cardarine and ibutamoren are not SARMS, anyone who says otherwise needs to STFU. But, they are ALSO your friends and they play well with SARMS.
Seventh: if you want orals stick to anavar and/or t-bol. Anything beyond that is for experts who realize and voluntarily confront the danger.