I’m doing some research on the best steroids that I can use for moderate bulking.
Seems like doing moderate testosterone and equipoise will be a good option so that’s why I’m gonna try but I wanted your feedback
what do you think about 12 weeks of equipoise at 600 mg a week and then adding testosterone at 400 mg a week to give me a grand total of 1 g per week?
I’m 165 lbs and 5’5” and I’m about 7% body fat and 28 years old
Seems like doing moderate testosterone and equipoise will be a good option so that’s why I’m gonna try but I wanted your feedback
what do you think about 12 weeks of equipoise at 600 mg a week and then adding testosterone at 400 mg a week to give me a grand total of 1 g per week?
I’m 165 lbs and 5’5” and I’m about 7% body fat and 28 years old