I will probably do heavy compound exercises with low reps, maybe one or two a workout, or like Muskate, and do a whole power workout. Either after heavy compound or on its own day I will do hypertrophy, with high reps 10+, 3-5 sets and hit many different angles. On hypertrophy exercises keeping constant tension and do various techniques like supersets, pause reps, and partial reps. Hitting everything except legs twice a week. 5-6 days a week. Adding in HIIT, fasted cardio, and slow paced cardio 2-3 days a week.
Can anyone vouch for FST-7 I want to add those in add the end of most of my workouts.
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Also I'm going to change the exercises frequently and different techniques.
Can I go hard every workout on cycle, I know its not great when natural, but I like going to failure every time, and I know that's a huge benefit of gear.