Just so everyone is aware I've had blood work done Oct 23rd/2024, before starting TRT.
As you can see I was at 202 for free testosterone
I had purchased Test enanthate from @pur-pharma-canada and started using it 1st week November.
Fast forward to Dec 27th/2024 and I've got my blood work again which is shown in the other photo, total free testosterone 692!
I was diligent and have only used the Pur Test until this point.
Aside from having the vial liquid tested this does show its legit and effective.
@pur-pharma-canada can be contacted by using there website and mention scooby
[email protected]
**To note: I didn't disclose my name, dob or lab on the photos.
The lab used was Lifelabs in Canada, easy google search.
Just so everyone is aware I've had blood work done Oct 23rd/2024, before starting TRT.
As you can see I was at 202 for free testosterone
I had purchased Test enanthate from @pur-pharma-canada and started using it 1st week November.
Fast forward to Dec 27th/2024 and I've got my blood work again which is shown in the other photo, total free testosterone 692!
I was diligent and have only used the Pur Test until this point.
Aside from having the vial liquid tested this does show its legit and effective.
@pur-pharma-canada can be contacted by using there website and mention scooby
[email protected]
**To note: I didn't disclose my name, dob or lab on the photos.
The lab used was Lifelabs in Canada, easy google search.