I’m 28 years old 218 lbs
I’m on self TRT and been on it for the past 6 weeks. Got bloods pulled and a bit worried about the numbers as they all are generally either high or low. What do you think? Using 200mgs a week of testosterone E
total test >1128ng/dl
LH .4
FSH .4
estrogen 41
cholesterol 267
also RBC and hemotacrit are above range a few points
anything you would recommend I do?
I’m on self TRT and been on it for the past 6 weeks. Got bloods pulled and a bit worried about the numbers as they all are generally either high or low. What do you think? Using 200mgs a week of testosterone E
total test >1128ng/dl
LH .4
FSH .4
estrogen 41
cholesterol 267
also RBC and hemotacrit are above range a few points
anything you would recommend I do?