Hey boys just thought I’d give you all an update. I’ve moved most of my stuff to my new place and over this weekend I’ll be grabbing the rest of it and will finally be able to set up an re build but enough about all that. On this road to rebuilding myself bigger and better than ever I’m proud to announce a partnership with @Raptor Labs
Over the past few months I have developed quite a good friendship with this lab and can not speak more highly of them. When I fell through the roof a few months back without even asking he sent me out a recovery pack with some bpc157 and GH out of the goodness of his heart which goes to show the sort of person he is!
Anyway if all goes to plan in the next 2 weeks I will start my blast finally as I’ll be in the position mentally and physically to do so and I’m stoked to have raptor backing me for the ride
so thankyou all for your patience you’ll be seeing this beast back in action soon enough 
Over the past few months I have developed quite a good friendship with this lab and can not speak more highly of them. When I fell through the roof a few months back without even asking he sent me out a recovery pack with some bpc157 and GH out of the goodness of his heart which goes to show the sort of person he is!
Anyway if all goes to plan in the next 2 weeks I will start my blast finally as I’ll be in the position mentally and physically to do so and I’m stoked to have raptor backing me for the ride