Hello everyone,
I am planning some research experiments for my rat and would love to hear your opinions.
This rat has previously experimented with S4/Osta/Winny/Var with happy results.
At this point he is 12% BF
Now its time to plan next autumn bulking cycle.
Objective is to keep BF around 12-14% while SAFELY adding mass for 5-6 weeks.
This said, what are your opinions regarding a lgd-4033/dianabol/anadrol stack ?
Lets put the ball running here... I am thinking:
week 1-6 LGD-4033 8mg/dianabol 25mg/anadrol 25mg ED
week 1-6 aromasin 25mg EOD
week 6-12 PCT clomid 25mg nolva 10 mg proviron 12.5mg ED... maybe add some osta/s4 during pct????
1st post... be nice, please
I am planning some research experiments for my rat and would love to hear your opinions.
This rat has previously experimented with S4/Osta/Winny/Var with happy results.
At this point he is 12% BF
Now its time to plan next autumn bulking cycle.
Objective is to keep BF around 12-14% while SAFELY adding mass for 5-6 weeks.
This said, what are your opinions regarding a lgd-4033/dianabol/anadrol stack ?
Lets put the ball running here... I am thinking:
week 1-6 LGD-4033 8mg/dianabol 25mg/anadrol 25mg ED
week 1-6 aromasin 25mg EOD
week 6-12 PCT clomid 25mg nolva 10 mg proviron 12.5mg ED... maybe add some osta/s4 during pct????
1st post... be nice, please